Fairy Tales Essay 300 Words

Once upon a time, a farmer had a big rooster. It wore a beautiful dress and a fiery red crown on its head. It had a pair of eyes like black jewels, walked with its head held high, and sang very beautifully. It woke up its master on time every day and was loved by him. But it was very proud.

One day it looked around. He saw that the ducks were short and ugly, and the rooster thought, "There are no such ugly things in the world! How can I live with them!" Then the ducks shouted, "Brother Rooster, Brother Rooster, play with us!" The rooster said, "Who will play with you ugly things?" After saying this, he walked away proudly. It looked at the hen again and thought that there was nothing more beautiful in the world than itself.

It saw that its house was in the corner, and that it was small and smelly, so it kicked and punched in it, when the house spoke, "Brother Rooster, don't hit me, or you won't have a house to live in." The rooster said, "I don't want this house of yours! I want to live in a high-rise building." After saying this, he left, and neither the hen nor the duck could stay him.

He lifted his head, puffed out his chest, and ran outside with great strides. He saw the little bird living in a tree, singing and dancing, and he thought, "If the little bird lives in a tree, I will too, and he flew several times to the branches of the tree, and he thought it would be noble to live that way.

The big rooster was on the branch, strutting and singing, when suddenly it accidentally fell from the tree into the stream below. The big rooster beat the river with his wings and called loudly, "Help! Help!" The ducks heard the call and swam to the rooster's side to save him. At this time, the big rooster was wet and muddy. With his head down, he did not say a word and followed the duck back to his original house.