Wang Taichang, Yue people. When the total angle, daytime lying on the couch. Suddenly, there was a huge thunderstorm, and a thing larger than a cat came to ambush his body and stayed there. When it cleared up, the object came out. When he saw that it was not a cat, he was horrified and called out to his brother from across the room. Brother heard, said: "I will be very expensive, this fox to avoid the thunder robbery." Consequently, the young man boarded the jinshi, to the county magistrate into the service.
The birth of a son named Yuanfeng, absolutely crazy, sixteen years old can not know the oyster, and thus the township party no marriage. The king was worried. Appropriately, there is a woman rate of young girls to the door, asking to be a woman. See his daughter, sweet smile, really immortal. He asked for her name. He said: "Yu. Female Xiao Cui, year two eight carry." With the discussion of the bride-price. Said: "is not satiated from my chaff core, once in a wide range of buildings, servicing maidservants, tired of the cream, they want to be suitable, I would like to comfort, not sell vegetables and ask for straight!" Mrs. Great joy, generous. The woman is ordered to pay tribute to the King and Mrs., said: "This is your aunt and uncle, serving should be careful. I am very busy, and go, three days when I come back." The king ordered his servant to send him away, and the woman said, "The alley is not far, so don't bother." The first thing I want to do is to get out of the house, and then I'm going to go back to the house.
Xiao Cui is not sad, that is, the trousseau to turn over the pattern. Mrs. also love to enjoy it. A few days the woman did not come to the house, asked the woman, the woman is also naive and can not say its road. He then decided to build a separate house for the couple to become a couple. The relatives heard that the poor child as a new wife, **** laugh Shan; see the woman were shocked, the group discussion began to subside. Female and very smart, can peep at the aunt of the joy and anger. Prince and his wife, favor and cherish too much common sense, but vigilantly afraid of its hatred of the son obsessed, and the woman is laughing not to be disliked. The first good banter, pricked cloth as a round, step on the cu for a laugh. With small leather boots, cu to dozens of steps, to the Prince run to pick up, the Prince and the maidservant constant sweat belonging to each other. One day the king even passed, round and came straight to the face. Women and maidservants converge traces to go, the Prince is still enthusiastic to run and chase. The king was angry, threw a stone, began to crouch and cry. King to tell Mrs., Mrs. to blame the woman, the woman bowed her head and smiled, with a hand 劥 disease < tough to play? The food was good, but it was not good enough. What's left? The king's wife was a great successor to him. The king's wife was a good friend of the woman. What's wrong with you? Your daughter was so angry that she called out to her daughter and scolded her. The woman leaned on the table and played with her belt, not fearing or saying anything. The lady had no choice but to beat her son with a cane. When Yuanfeng shouted, the woman changed color and begged for forgiveness. The lady's wrath was dissolved, and she released the cane to go. The woman laughed and pulled the son into the room, on behalf of the dust on the clothes, wipe the tears, rubbing the cane marks, baited with jujube and chestnut. The male son was put away snot to Xin Xin. The woman of the whole court house, reloading the Prince as a king, as a desert man; he is colorful clothes, girded with a thin waist, and dance under the tent; or bun inserted in the pheasant's tail, plucking the lute, ding ding wisps, and laughter in a room, and the day as a regular occurrence. Wang Gong to the son of obsessive, do not bear too much responsibility for the woman, that is, micro-hearing, but also if you put it.
The same alley has Wang to the adviser, more than ten households apart, but never able to; at the time of the three-year plan officials, jealous of the public hold Henan Road seal, think of vilification. The public know their plans, worried about nothing to do. A night in bed early, the female crown belt decorated Tsukazai shape, cut silk for thick moustache, but also decorated with green clothes two maidservants for the waiter, stealing across the stables and horses out of the play: "I will pay a visit to Mr. Wang." Chase to the door to the admonition, that is, and whip Laos from the people, said: "I visit the king of the service, rather visit to the king of the admonition!" He returned to his home. Than to the door of his home, the door of the person mistakenly thought it was true, ran to white Wang Gong. Gong anxious to get up to meet, and then realized that the play for the children of women. Anger, said Mrs. said: "people are doing my flaws, the opposite of the ugly cabinet door and told, the rest of the disaster is not far away! Mrs. anger, run female room, ì let. Women only simple smile, and not a word. Tart of intolerance, out of which there is no home, husband and wife chagrin, not sleep all night. At that time, the Tsukazai a public very much, its instrument to pick obedience, and female disguise no less different, Wang to advise also mistaken for real. Repeatedly detect the public door, mid-night and the guest did not come out, suspected that the Tsukazai and public conspiracy. The next day early, see and asked: "Night Xianggong to Junjia?" Gong suspected of ridicule, ashamed to say only, not very loud answer. To advise the more suspected, the plot then sleep, and thus the benefit of the public. The public probed into their feelings secretly happy, and secretly asked Mrs. persuade the woman to change their profession, the woman smiled and answered the question.
Over the years, the Prime Minister was exempted, and a private letter to the public was mistakenly sent to Gaijin. The first one was to ask the good public to fake 10,000 gold, and the public refused to do so. The first time I saw this, I was able to see the man in the room, and I was able to see the man in the room. He was unable to find a scarf and robe; he waited for a long time and was angry at the public for being slow, but he was angry and was about to leave. Suddenly, I saw the Duke's robe and tassel, a woman from the door pushed to come out, horrified; has been smiling and caressing, take off his clothes and crown and go. Public anxious to come out, the guest went away. Went to hear the story, shocked face as earth, crying: "This is also a scourge! I'm going to red my family in the next few days!" And Mrs. manipulate the staff to. Female known, closed the door to let their criticism. Public anger, axe its door, the woman within the smile and told him: "Weng no trouble anger. There is a new woman in the knife, saw, axe and battle-axe woman to suffer, will not let the harm to both parents. Weng such as this, is to kill the woman to silence?" The public was stopped. Give advice to return, fruit resistance to reveal the king's misbehavior, gun crown for evidence. On the shock of the test, the tassel is Liang Crafty heart made, the robe is the defeat of the cloth yellow burden also. On the anger of its false. And called Yuanfeng to, see its naive and laughingly, said: "This can be the son of heaven?" Is under the Department of Justice. To advise and litigation in the public house has a demon, the law division strict cross-examination Zang obtained, and said no other, but the upside down women and children of the day things to laugh and play, the neighbors also have no different words. The case was finalized, to give advice to charge the Yunnan army.
Wang Yu is a strange woman. And the mother did not come for a long time, I think it is not human, so Mrs. probe the interrogation, but the woman smiled and did not say. Asked again and again, then covered his mouth and said: "Children Jade Emperor female, mother do not know?" Nothing, the public Mew Jingqing. More than fifty years every problem without grandchildren. Female residence for three years, night and night with the son of a different bed, it seems that there is no private. Mrs. Iso couch to go, asked the male son and women with the same bed. After a few days, the son told his mother, "I borrowed a couch and I will not return it! Xiao Cui night and day to foot stock on the abdomen, gasping for air; and habitually pinch people in the stock." Handmaiden crone without charm. Mrs. Hao pat order to go. One day the female bath in the room, the Prince saw, want to work with; female smile stops, Oracle to make the aunt to stay. Both go, is more diarrhea hot soup in the urn, to untie their robes and pants, and maidservant to help them into. The male felt steamy and stuffy, and cried out to get out. The woman did not listen, to cover the coverlet. A little time no sound, open to see has been dead. Female frank smile is not shocked, trailing on the bed, wipe the body dry and clean, plus the rest of being Yan. Mrs. heard, crying into, scolded: "mad maidservant how to kill my son!" The woman said smilingly: "Such a stupid child, not as good." Mrs. more rage, with the head to touch the female; maidservant generation scrambled to persuade. Square clamor, a servant girl said: "the son moaned!" Dropping out of snot to touch, the breath rest, and sweat soaked, soaked underclothing. Sweat has been eating, suddenly open eyes looking around at family members, seemingly unrecognizable, said: "I now recall the past, are like a dream, why?" Mrs. to its speech is not crazy, big difference. Take to see his father, repeatedly try the fruit is not crazy, great joy, such as the acquisition of a different treasure. To the evening, the couch is still the same place, more coverlets and pillows to spy on it. When the son entered the room, he sent all his maids to go. When he peeped in the morning, the couch was not there. The first time I saw this, I was able to get a good look at it, and I was able to get a good look at it, and I was able to get a good look at it.
More than a year, the public for the party to give advice on impeachment and removal of the official, a small hanging error. The old Guangxi, given a jade bottle, the price of thousands of gold, will be out to bribe when the road. The woman loved to play with it, fell and broke it, and was ashamed to throw herself into it. Mr. and Mrs. Fang to avoid official unhappiness, heard that, anger, and scolded. The female excited and out, said the public said: "I'm in your home, the preservation of more than a bottle, why not save face? I really told you: I am not human. To mother suffered a thunderbolt, y and weng shelter wing; and because I two people have five years of long-established points, so I come to repay former favors, to fulfill a long-cherished ear. The reason why I did not do it immediately was that my love for the past five years had not yet been fulfilled. Why can I stop now?" He was so angry that he went out, but the chase was lost. The public is lost, and there is no time for repentance. Duke into the room, see its leftover powder hooks, mournful tears want to die; sleep and food are not willing, the day on the exhaustion. Gong was very worried, anxious for the glue to continue to solve the problem, and the Prince was not happy. But he begged a good worker to draw a small Cui statue, and prayed for it day and night, for two years.
Occasionally, for some reason, he returned from his home, the moon was bright, and outside the village there was a public pavilion garden, riding outside the wall, heard the sound of laughter, stopping the bridle, so that the stable pawns to catch the bridle, saddle up and look at it, then the two girls play it. Cloud and moon dim, not very discernible, but heard a cui clothes said: "maidservant when expelled from the door!" A red man said: "You in my home pavilion, anti-chase who?" A person in green clothes said: "The servant girl is not ashamed! I can't be a woman, and I'm being driven away, so I'm just assuming that I'm a property owner." The person in red said, "The oldest servant girl of Suosheng has no patron!" Listen to the sound of the cool like Xiao Cui, quickly called out. Cui-clothed people to say: "Aunt not to fight with if you Hanzi to carry on." Both the red people, fruit Xiao Cui. Joy. Female order Dengguan undertake and down, said: "two years do not see, bone thin a hand carry on!" Duke shook hands and sobbed, with said lovesickness. The woman said: "I also know, but I have no face to see my family again. Now that I am playing with my big sister, I have met her again, and I know that I can't escape from my previous cause." He asked her to go back with him, but he could not; he asked her to stay in the garden, but he allowed her to do so. The Prince sent his servant to run to Mrs. Bai. The lady was shocked and drove her moped to the pavilion, where she opened the key. The woman will tend down to meet and worship; Mrs. grabbed the arm and shed tears, force white before the past, a few can not face, said: "if not less remember the hazelnut stalks, please return with me to comfort me late." The woman Jun resigned not. Mrs. consider the wild Pavilion deserted, seek to serve with more people. The woman said: "I all do not want to see, but before the two maidservants from the night and day, can not be no attention to the ear; outside only an old servant should door, the rest are no longer necessary." Mrs. all as she said. The first thing I want to do is to ask my son to keep the disease in the garden, and then I'm going to eat it.
The female persuaded the male son to get married, the male son did not from. After more than a year, the woman's eyes and voice gradually different from former times, out of the quality of the image, very much like two people. The big strange. The woman said: "See concubine today as in the past beautiful?" Duke said: "Today's beauty is beautiful, but compared to the past is not as good." The woman said: "I mean concubine old!" Duke said: "more than twenty years old how to get old quickly!" The woman laughed and burned the map, save it has been embers. One day said the male said: "in the past at home, a weng said concubine against death not to make cocoon, now pro old gentleman alone, concubine really can not give birth to, I am afraid of the wrong gentleman heir. Please marry a woman in the home, day and night to serve the public aunt, the gentleman to and from the two, but also no inconvenience." The Duke agreed, and took her to the house of Mrs. Chung. As the auspicious date approached, the woman made clothes and shoes for the new couple and sent them to her mother's place as a gift. When the newcomer entered the house, her speech and demeanor were no different from Xiao Cui. She was very surprised. To the garden pavilion, the woman also do not know where. Ask the maidservant, maidservant out of the red scarf, said: "mother temporarily return to the Ning, stay here for the son." Show scarf, then knot jade jade pennant, I know it does not return, so with the servant girl return. Although not forgetting Xiao Cui, fortunately, the newcomer as face old good. The first realization of the marriage of the Chung's, the female foreknowledge, so the first transformation of its appearance, in order to comfort his thoughts of the day cloud.
Ishi said: "A fox, too, to the virtue of mindlessness, but still think of the reward; and the body to be recreated by the blessing of the person, Gu lost his voice in the broken cauldron, how despicable! The moon is not full again, and went away gracefully, then I realized that the immortal's feelings are also deeper than the common people!"
Modern Translation
When Wang Yuanzhi was a young man, he was diligent and diligent in his studies, keen in his thinking, and outstanding in his appearance. One night, Zhi in the bookstore to read at night, suddenly lightning and thunder, instantly a white shadow scampered indoors, hiding under the bed in Zhi, Zhi probe to see what happened, it was a white fox. It turns out that the white fox name Yu Ji, is the heavenly God Wood inside the garden keeper, there are thousands of years of cultivation of the fox immortal, broke into the bedroom of the Chi, is to avoid the "thunder hijacking", the cause of the Yu Ji stole the heavenly Taibai Palace of a Pearl of the Night, was pursued by the God of Thunder, Yu can not compete with the God of Thunder, the thunder and lightning back to its original form, had to run for their lives to escape and hide into the bedroom of the Wang Yuan Zhi, Zhi see the white fox was injured, not only did not drive away, but also moved with compassion, to the white fox to hold! The white fox was not only not driven away, but also moved with compassion, holding the white fox in his arms, so that it avoided a thunderbolt! Zhi also healed the white fox and kept it in the study. Yuji recovered from her injuries, and when she said goodbye, she took human form and said that she would repay her kindness in the future. She left a brocade pouch as a token, saying that if Zhi had anything to ask for, he could go to Luangmu Mountain and look for her. Wang Yuanzhi had a classmate named Wang Pu Pin, who also had a strange encounter when he was young. Pin is the son of a rich family, lazy, uninterested in learning, but good and far-fetched, love to exploit the loopholes. Once, Pin missed class to go to the mountains to play water, lost in the middle of the way, met the wolves attack, during the period, there is a snake out to save Pin! However, Pin was so shocked that he did not thank the snake and went away without a word of thanks! When Pin returned to his house, the snake was already there and scolded Pin for not knowing how to repay his kindness and for being unethical! Pin is so scared that he kneels on the ground. She says that she has learned that Pin has a treasure in his house, the Tianshan Ganoderma Lucidum, and asks Pin to give it to her as a token of her gratitude. Pin agrees to steal it from her, and the snake transforms into a beautiful woman and softens her attitude. The snake says that if Pin cooperates with her, she can help him to rise to great heights and make his wish come true. Pin is overjoyed and thinks that the gods have come down to help him, and from then on, he turns to the snake for help in all matters! When a foolish son meets a foolish daughter-in-law, there is no end to the story - Wang Yuanzhi, with his hard work, has risen to the rank of a scholar and become a big official. At the same time, Wang Pu Pin, with the help of the Snake, is also very successful in the imperial court. However, Pin is uneducated and is often exposed by Zhi for his faults! As a result, Pin had a grudge against Zhi and waited for an opportunity to take revenge. Unexpectedly, Zhi is smart, but gave birth to a stupid child Yuanfeng, by the age of 18, only five-year-old IQ, the most troubling to the parents is that Yuanfeng was born do not know how to distinguish between male and female, and often make a series of jokes! Therefore, no one was willing to marry him at his marriageable age! The couple searches for a famous doctor, but they are still helpless. Remembering the fox's promise to repay their kindness, Zhi goes to the Luang Pui Mountain in the hope of turning Zhi's son back to being smart, but the white fox refuses, saying that it will cost them a hundred years of strength, but they can find a good daughter-in-law for Zhi's son! Zhi had no choice but to return home! A few days later, there was indeed a woman with a daughter Xiao Cui door to ask for marriage! Chi couple see Xiao Cui although the poor girl, but well-behaved, but also very beautiful, Mrs. very much loved, and then married as a daughter-in-law! It turns out that Xiao Cui is Yu Ji when a moment moved the mortal heart of the daughter born, and then Yu Ji had the opportunity to be selected by the Queen Mother, to become the heavenly God Wood forest of the garden keeper, can be listed in the immortal position, which is incomparable honor, Yu Ji, then abandon their husbands and women to go to heaven, in order to practice, more to cut off the seven emotions and six desires, and now in order to pay back the kindness, had to give their daughter to marry the idiot! Based on her filial piety, Xiao Cui agrees to repay the favor for her mother, but for a period of three years! Xiao Cui's cultivation is not very high, because Yu Ji seldom instructs her, the relationship between mother and daughter seems to be weak! Xiao Cui marries into the Wang family, and is favored by Zhi and his wife because she is smart and clever, and is able to observe people in a subtle way. Xiao Cui and Yuan Feng although the same room, but sleep in separate beds, the lady worried about the Wang family without a queen, so ordered to move a bed, forcing the two to share the same bed, but Yuan Feng think the bed is too small, extremely uncomfortable, in the middle of the night, Xiao Cui a reversal, accidentally kicked Yuan Feng out of bed, to the second night, Yuan Feng killed and is not willing to share the same bed with Xiao Cui again! In the days to come, Yuan Feng and Xiao Cui inseparable, two small, Xiao Cui will invent a variety of new and interesting games to amuse Yuan Feng play. One day, Xiao Cui made a cloth ball, together with Yuan Feng in the garden to play, Xiao Cui kicked out, Yuan Feng ran to pick up back, when Zhi just passed by, Xiao Cui kicked, accidentally thrown in the face of Zhi, Zhi see Yuan Feng towards their own running over to chase the cloth ball, angry, blame Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui, although not back to the mouth, but the next day and the naughty as usual! Xiao Cui paints Yuen Fung's face with rouge, and when Madam sees this, she scolds him again. Although Xiao Cui does not say anything, she returns to her old ways the next day. Mrs. see Xiao Cui stubborn, no choice but to beat Yuan Feng out of anger, Yuan Feng cried loudly, Xiao Cui heartbroken, kneeling and begging for mercy! She also coaxes Yuanfeng to laugh like a child. Although Madam is angry, she sees that Xiao Cui cares for Yuanfeng and lets go of her heart (Madam has been worried that Xiao Cui dislikes Yuanfeng). Since they can't play around openly, Xiao Cui, Yuan Feng and their maids have to hide in the bedroom behind closed doors and play "Character Acting", where they dress up as various characters in a play every day! One day, Xiao Cui dresses up as a prime minister and Yuan Feng as his attendant, and the two of them sneak out to play on the street. Xiao Cui rides a horse and Yuan Feng holds a horse, strutting around and passing by the house of Zhi's long-time rival, Wang Pupin, and causing a lot of disturbance before they return home in a happy mood! When Chi finds out, he is furious and finally beats Xiao Cui, fearing trouble over the incident! When Xiao Cui is beaten, her wounds are painful and Yuen Fung is even more distressed. Yuen Fung does not know how to comfort Xiao Cui, so he has to learn the way Xiao Cui usually coaxes herself to make Xiao Cui laugh. Things unexpected, not only did Cui did not get into trouble, but also make the product thought Zhi and the prime minister familiar, do not dare to impeach Zhi easily, but also in turn flattered Zhi, and so on for a period of time. Soon after, Pin designs to frame Zhi again, causing Zhi to be involved in a case of wrongful imprisonment. Pin reveals that Lord Chen, who is handling the case, has taken a liking to a pair of jade vases in Zhi's collection, and Zhi has no choice but to use the jade vases as a bribe to Chen. However, when Zhi is about to set off to Chen's house, Xiao Cui and Yuan Feng break a jade vase during their playfulness! Zhi can't stand it anymore and beats them up! In fact, Pin had colluded with Lord Chen, as long as Zhi sends the jade bottle, he will expose Zhi bribe, the crime will be increased, Pin informed the prime minister in advance in Chen's house waiting, so that the stolen goods and captured, but a few hours have passed, but there is no trace of Zhi, the prime minister felt fooled, and whisked his sleeve away. Later, the prime minister testified in front of the emperor that Wang Yuanzhi was innocent, and Zhi was exonerated. The prime minister also told Zhi that Pin had colluded with powerful ministers in order to report Zhi's bribery, but he believed that Zhi was innocent, and Zhi was lucky to be exonerated in secret. From then on, Zhi was wary of Pin. One day, when Pin comes to visit Chi, Xiao Cui dresses Yuan Feng up as the emperor and pushes him out of the living room! At first, Pin thought that he had seen the emperor, so he kneeled down to pay his respect. Later, when he saw Yuen Fung smiling at him, he realized that he had been fooled, and he had a plan! The next day, the product to the court face the saint, accusing Zhi of plotting mischief, conniving in the demented child wearing the emperor's clothes, deceiving the king to violate the emperor, the emperor asked the product to hand over evidence, the product was presented to the crown, open a look, only a few pieces of torn shirt! The emperor was furious, would like to ask Pin, fortunately, Yuan Guifei for Pin pleaded for mercy, Pin was spared. But from then on, the emperor did not trust the product. Really in love --- Yuan Fei hiding behind the tent, saw the package of clothing, instantly turned into a pile of rags, she suddenly understood why three or four times, Wang Yuanzhi can get out of danger, there must be a high level of help behind it. Originally, Yuan Fei is a spirit snake incarnation, that day, the spirit snake has been trying to take Yu Ji's Pearl of the Night to help practice, but repeatedly to Yu Ji sneak attack are missed, so the spirit snake turned to the earth, dependent on the powerful, want to rely on the power, collect the earth's exotic treasures, to help practice, the spirit snake into a beautiful woman, so that the product given to the emperor, the emperor was confused by it, at his mercy. The emperor was bewitched by the snake and let it manipulate him. As the prime minister, Wang Yuanzhi and other ministers of the court were in opposition to Yuan Fei, Yuan Fei made a plan and soon the prime minister was deposed. Pin, with the help of Yuan Fei, became the new prime minister! In an instant, the court is in turmoil, the emperor is a fool, and the powerful ministers are ruthless. Zhi resigns from his post in anger, but Pin will not stop there. But how can Pin stop there? And Yuan Fei finally found out that Wang Yuan Zhi's daughter-in-law is Yu Ji's daughter, and Yuan Fei can't forget the night pearl in Yu Ji's hand all the time. Xiao Cui because of the repeated help Yuan Feng family, power loss, finally fell ill, Yuan Feng anxious, caring for Xiao Cui care, day and night by the bedside, never leave, Xiao Cui a joke want to eat carp, Yuan Feng that is to go to the "lying on the ice to seek carp". The wind was bitterly cold, and Yuan Feng lay on the frozen lake and waited for a day and a night to catch fish. The sun was about to set, the Wang family could not find Yuan Feng around, anxious, then Xiao Cui in the lake to find Yuan Feng, Yuan Feng soaked, face and hands red, because of the ice cold, has lost consciousness, but still smiling while comforting Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui touched to embrace the Yuan Feng straight to cry ...... Xiao Cui Yuan Feng brought home, in the bedroom to place the A row of heaters in the bedroom, Yuan Feng is still cold and shivering, Xiao Cui tightly embraced him to relieve his cold warmth, the two looked up at the window of a bright moon hanging high, Yuan Feng suddenly asked Xiao Cui: "Why is there such a good life in this world? Xiao Cui smiled, she realized that she really fell in love with this fool, afraid that one day, the two will be separated. Xiao Cui is worried that Yuanfeng will be bullied after she leaves and is determined to cure him of his stupidity and make him smart again, so she goes to her mother for advice. Yu Ji reminds Xiao Cui that she must not show affection to mortals, or else her hundred years of cultivation will be ruined. Moreover, she must use up her own vital energy in order to transform Yuan Feng, but Xiao Cui would rather sacrifice herself! Yu adds that if Yuanfeng becomes smart again and dislikes Xiao Cui for being a fox, it's not worth it, but Xiao Cui still insists! Yu can't beat Xiao Cui bitter pestering, finally taught Xiao Cui method ...... The next day, Xiao Cui will make the maids to bathe in a large wooden barrel to the bedroom, Yuanfeng think it's fun to see Xiao Cui ready to bathe, would like to **** bath with her, Xiao Cui refused to drive Yuanfeng out of the room, after half an hour, Xiao Cui Yuanfeng called into the room, the order of the maids will be hot water to fill the wooden barrel, let the Yuan Feng soaked in the hot water, Yuan Feng felt hot, want to come out, but Xiao Cui anti-quilt cover the barrel, Yuan Feng in the inside can not breathe, shouting for help, but Xiao Cui instead of the quilt tight, ignoring Yuan Feng! After a long time, Yuanfeng did not move in the barrel, only Xiao Cui opened the cover and saw that Yuanfeng was already dead! Zhi and his wife heard the news and thought that Yuan Feng was dead. Zhi scolded Xiao Cui angrily, while his wife cried her eyes out. Next, Yuan Feng was sick for three days, Xiao Cui carefully for Yuan Feng luck healing (input their own energy), to the fourth day, Yuan Feng woke up early in the morning, suddenly do not stay, looking at the side of his beloved wife, as if it were a lifetime ago. Since then, Yuan Feng has become very smart and talented, plus originally Yuan Feng is very good-looking, dull disease removed, even more outstanding instrumentation, Zhi couple grateful to Xiao Cui! Whether you are a fox or a human, your heart to love you will always remain the same -- On the other hand, She Ji, who was nostalgic about the night pearl, went so far as to confuse the Emperor with her demonic words, saying that a spirit fox lived in the mountains of Luang Poh, and that if one ate the flesh of the spirit fox, one would live forever. The emperor actually dispatched ten thousand troops to the mountain to capture the fox! When the army arrives at Luangfo Mountain, they set fire to the fox, and Yu Ji tries to save the foxes. She Ji takes advantage of the chaos and goes to seize the pearl of the night, but she fails to do so, and in the chaos, She Ji attacks Yu Ji, who is injured and escapes, and hides in a cave. Xiao Cui senses that her mother is in distress and goes to look for her. When she arrives at the cave, she sees that her mother has been injured and Yu Ji is thinking hard about the Pearl of the Night. It turns out that Yu Ji has not been able to penetrate the mystery of the Pearl since she came back from the sky. Xiao Cui helps her mother to heal her injuries, Yu Ji recovers and urges Xiao Cui to go home so that her family will not be concerned. Xiao Cui returned home, tired, over the past few days, because to help Yuan Feng to get rid of dementia, has lost a hundred years of cultivation, coupled with today's healing for his mother, the vitality of a great deal of injury, finally fainted on the bed, the appearance of fox, just as the maid walked into the scared out of their wits! Zhi couple now realized that Xiao Cui is a fox into, very afraid, to prevent Yuan Feng into the room, Yuan Feng ignored the people to dissuade, rushed into the room, closed the door alone guarding the little fox, full of pity, until midnight, Xiao Cui woke up, back to human form, she confessed to Yuan Feng that he is a fox, only to repay the kindness of the family married into the Wang family, that year, there was a three-year deadline, and now the deadline has expired, Xiao Cui to Yuan Feng goodbye, Xiao Cui in fact, understand that their own In fact, Xiao Cui understands that she has suffered a great loss of vitality and will return to her original form at any time, so she can no longer live with Yuanfeng as a normal person. Yuan Feng is saddened and vows that no matter if Xiao Cui is a human or a fox, he still loves her y and will not allow Xiao Cui to leave. The next day, Yuan Feng woke up, did not see Xiao Cui, looking around, heartbroken, a few days without food and sleep, a few days later, Yuan Feng packing, decided to go on the road to look for Xiao Cui, walking to the deserted mountains, lost, and suddenly blew a haze of wind, the spirit of the snake appeared, will be captured by Yuan Feng. Can love be together until old age --- Xiao Cui returns to Yu Ji, who heals her wounds and regulates her breathing. Yu Ji says that as expected, Yuan Feng will leave Xiao Cui when he becomes wiser, and Xiao Cui is silent. She Ji threatens Xiao Cui with Yuan Feng's life and asks Xiao Cui to hand over the Pearl of Night, but Yu Ji refuses and Xiao Cui has to steal it while Yu Ji is asleep. In fact, Yu Ji is only ruthless on the surface, she pretends to be unaware of it and allows Xiao Cui to take the Pearl of Night. She Ji finally got the Pearl of the Night, but did not keep her word, wanting to kill Xiao Cui, Yuan Feng saw Xiao Cui in danger, he sacrificed his life to protect Xiao Cui, and as a result, he was seriously injured and dying, Xiao Cui tried his best to protect, but could not beat She Ji, at the critical moment, Yu Ji arrived and fought with She Ji, She Ji did not want to be entangled with, grabbed Xiao Cui and drifted away! Yu Ji heals Yuan Feng's wounds to delay his life. Xiao Cui is captured by She Ji and taken to the Snake Palace. She senses her mother's message and realizes that Yuan Feng's life is in danger. She Ji has obtained the Pearl of Night, but does not know how to use it. She interrogates Xiao Cui, and Xiao Cui says that if she reveals the secret of the Pearl, she has to borrow it to save Yuen Fung's life first, and She Ji agrees to do so. Xiao Cui told She Ji that on the 15th day of the full moon, standing at the highest peak of the mountain, facing the moon, she put the Pearl in her mouth and adjusted her breath with her luck, and then she could absorb the essence of the real energy inside! She Ji half-believe half-doubt, but because of the eagerness to enhance the power, had to give it a try, on the night of the full moon, She Ji stood on the peak of the mountain to borrow the beads, but did not expect, the more She Ji want to absorb the Pearl of the night of the true essence, but the more the Pearl of the night sucked away its true qi, when the full moon through the dark clouds, no cover and no blocking, the Pearl of the night of the moon's essence of the senses, and suddenly let out a bright light, which attracted the God of Thunder, the God of Thunder to the She Ji! The God of Thunder subdued She Ji and reclaimed the Night Pearl! It turns out that Xiao Cui no longer trusts She Ji, she knows from her mother that the Pearl of the Night will absorb the essence of the moonlight when the moon is full, and if it encounters the true energy, it will release a strong light, and this strong light will attract the God of Thunder's pursuit, so usually, Yuji will only practise her kung fu in the dark place of the cave, in order to prevent attracting the attention of the God of Thunder. When Xiao Cui sees that the God of Thunder has retrieved the Pearl, she kneels down and begs the God of Thunder to lend her the Pearl to save Yuanfeng, but the God of Thunder thinks that Yu Ji has committed a heinous crime by stealing the Pearl, and not only refuses to lend her the Pearl, but also wants to arrest Yu Ji for the crime! Xiao Cui is willing to suffer on behalf of her mother, as long as the God of Thunder saves Yuen Fung, she will return to Heaven with the God of Thunder to be punished. The God of Thunder is finally touched by Xiao Cui and lends her the Pearl to save Yuen Fung, and Xiao Cui keeps her promise and returns to Heaven with the God of Thunder! Yuan Feng said, regardless of the world, must find Xiao Cui ...... Yuan Feng to participate in the martial arts scholar to participate in the examination, won the first prize, by the snake demon charm Yuan Feng, addicted to the beauty of the snake demon, Xiao Cui attitude rough, sad Xiao Cui back to the side of the spirit fox. Just when Xiao Cui and the spirit fox *** with cultivation, Wang Yuanfeng but with a large group of people came to surround them. At this time, Lei Shen, who was tracking down the whereabouts of the Spirit Fox, who had stolen the Night Pearl, also happened to arrive. Yuanfeng captured the spirit fox and handed it over to the snake demon. In order to save the spirit fox, Xiao Cui took the Pearl of Night in exchange for the spirit fox, but the snake demon broke its promise and sent Yuanfeng out to kill Xiao Cui and her daughter, and just as Yuanfeng swung his sword at Xiao Cui, he suddenly realized his conscience and fainted in the painful struggle. Xiao Cui uses her own energy to save Yuan Feng. Xiao Cui and Yuen Fung seek to settle the score with the Snake Demon, but accidentally came across the Thunder God who came looking for the Pearl of the Night, killed the Snake Demon and took away the Pearl of the Night. After Xiao Cui heals Yuanfeng's wounds, Xiao Cui's mother and daughter are taken away by the Thunder God, and Yuanfeng wakes up and returns to his demented self.