I don't care what kind of person I am in the eyes of others and what kind of label I am labeled. I am who I am. I'll come when I feel comfortable. I don't live in other people's value system. Fear of being abandoned by the times, fear of not being recognized by the mainstream society, fear of being misunderstood as a traditional woman by others ..... For some people, only by keeping up with others' value system can they feel safe.
Without a job, you can't keep up with the pace of men's growth, afraid of being abandoned by men, afraid of not getting men's hearts, which is why women must have a career. I have never seen a woman who is not worthy of love and should be abandoned, and I have never seen a woman who can't find a reason to be abandoned. So men can always find reasons to cherish you, and men can also find reasons to abandon you. There is absolutely no need to work to please men.