Many TV dramas have mentioned many times that a courtesan dancing in the snow can attract the emperor, are there any real examples in history?

The emperor is the king of a country and the object of admiration for many people. During the feudal period, the emperor's power was quite great. Many people were willing to go and do a lot of things for the emperor in order to make him happy, so did the ministers of the former dynasty, so did the concubines of the harem, and so did the eunuchs and court ladies.

The palace of the civil and military officials are directly subject to the emperor's orders and arrangements, of course, the palace inside the palace is to obey the emperor's orders, in the emperor's harem inside the countless beauty, and to the emperor's power he can not only favor the harem of beautiful, can also can be lucky to the palace of the palace of the palace girl. However, after the emperor has finished the honor, he has to give the palace girl a name.

What we see in the TV series is that the harem is 3000, but this is only an approximate number. If you count those who are the emperor's favorite palace maid, it can be more than three thousand. Historically, the emperor's pleasure of the courtesan thing also has a lot. When Emperor Yongzheng was enjoying the flowers in the garden, he was attracted by a courtesan with excellent temperament and beauty, and he did favor the courtesan with his own power, and later made her his consort.

In ancient times, the emperor could do what he wanted to do, and if the emperor wanted to favor a courtesan, the courtesan could not refuse. In ancient times there was a courtesan who danced on the snow in order to attract the emperor's attention. However, what was not expected was that this courtesan was frozen into an ice sculpture on the next day. Later, it was thrown into the river. However, I think that this courtesan overreacted at that time, and in the end, not only was she not noticed by the emperor, but she also lost her life. I think, by the emperor to pay attention to this matter, also pay attention to a destiny.