Vietnamese song Shake is a very hot song

A very hot song in Vietnamese song Shake is "SeeTình (Meet the Beloved)".

This is a snippet from a Vietnamese song "SeeTình (Meet the Beloved)", with the essence of the chorus not only the humming of the "jingle bells", but also the magical whistling interlude that comes along with it. The song is sung by Hoang Chui Linh, one of the top streams of the Vietnamese pop music scene, who is very popular in the country.

The song's music video was first posted on YouTube, and once it was released the number of plays climbed rapidly. Netizens from different countries can be seen in the comment section expressing their love for the song, which is no exception in our country, especially in the short video platform is highly sought after. This is not the only Vietnamese music that has become a big hit in China. If you just brush your eyes on ShakeMechanics, you will see that most of the BGM (background music) with incomprehensible lyrics are Vietnamese songs.

Innovative spirit

Vietnamese music has exploded in China, and some people are even worried that Vietnamese music is becoming the next trend after K-Pop, which in turn is infesting China's music market. The industry believes that the explosion of Vietnamese music in China is somewhat coincidental, and it cannot be said to have overtaken K-Pop or even disrupted Chinese music. Perhaps the spring of Vietnamese music has arrived, can also inspire our musicians, the future to focus more on the content itself, more innovative spirit.

In July 2022, the jingle dance with See Tình as the background music suddenly burst into flames on Jitterbit with its strong sense of rhythm and simple brainwashing lyrics. Led by some netizens, it quickly set off a flip-dance fever across the platform. The melody of " ting ting ting ting ", plus magic whistling Vietnamese music, in a very short time, burst out of the circle.