From the birth of the square dance it has become the favorite of the big moms, every time after dinner, the square, basketball courts, shopping malls in front of the open space, the open space within the district and so on have become the big moms dancing square dance territory.
This is not, in Hebei Hengshui on the occurrence of a square dance and the big moms have something to do. It is understood that the owner of the car was driving through a village, the village of a road on the big moms are dancing, the owner of the car gently honked to let the big moms can give him a little road, but the dance music stops for a moment, the big moms are looking at each other and then continue to dance. The owner of the car did not honk his horn, thinking that perhaps the women would stop singing and give way after the song, but after the song was over the women did not mean to give way and continued to dance.
I think there is something wrong with this behavior. But this is not the first time that this kind of phenomenon and problem has happened. There have also been cases where the woman competed with basketball players for space, or danced after 9 p.m. with dance music playing loudly, and a host of other problems. In my opinion, these are the wrong things that the amazons are doing. The basketball court is a place to play basketball, and when no one is there, it can be used as a temporary spot for square dance activities, but when someone wants to play basketball and needs the basketball court, the moms should give up the space.
And then there is no sense of time to dance, this problem is really more serious in the early years, neighborhoods or other places are not only the middle-aged and elderly people, but also working people, and with children's mothers, and sick people need to rest, and like quiet people. After nine o'clock is still on the stereo dancing will affect their rest and life. Back to the matter itself, the road vehicle is also when you can be driving, dancing on the road this behavior itself is not safe and improper, and in the vehicle after the siren signals still do not give way, which is even more is not the right behavior.
I have always believed that the middle-aged and elderly women dancing on the square is a good thing, but it can not prevent the normal life and rest of others. While ensuring their life and rest, they also get a chance to exercise and move around, which is a win-win situation. We hope that all of them will be able to dance happily and happily, and at the same time, all the order of life will be as usual.