1, healthy weight loss methods
It is said that every fat person is a potential stock, and this has been confirmed once again. Recently, the 90-year-old girl on the front page of a local forum in Hangzhou, because she spent less than a year, adhering to the square dance successfully practiced the waistline, completed from the "fat girl" to the "goddess" of the perfect turn.
The original square dance is not only a sport for the elderly, but also a good way for young people to lose weight. Hangzhou First People's Hospital Nutrition Department Dr. Yang Renhua said that this way of losing weight is actually the proverbial "keep your mouth shut, open your legs".
When a person's intake for the day is less than the consumption, the weight will be reduced accordingly. Dietary breakfast and lunch are normal intake, only dinner accordingly reduce the intake of rice, no harm to human health. At the same time eat more fish, shrimp and vegetables, etc., less red meat, beneficial to human health. "Change the two-hour square dance to other sports, the same can achieve the effect of weight loss. Of course, persistence is most important."
But if you don't have that super-strong willpower to do it rain or shine and stick to the exercise, you'll get lazy if you're not careful. Don't be discouraged, we can still choose some easy to fill the stomach food, to "cheat" our stomach, to achieve the purpose of weight loss.
Australian researchers developed a satiety scale, called the "satiety index", the results found that dietary fiber, protein content is higher, larger, more water and low-fat food "satiety index" is high, it is easier to The results found that foods with higher dietary fiber and protein content, larger volume, more water and low fat "satiety index" is high, it is easier to "cheat" the stomach, so as to control the mouth, weight control is also favorable.
These foods include oats, millet, barley, buckwheat and other rough-tasting grains, soybeans, black beans, adzuki beans, kidney beans and other beans and bean products, as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., this type of food is large in size, low-calorie, zero-fat, rich in dietary fiber, consumption can fill the entire stomach, so it is also a weight-loss crowd can carry an excellent choice of food.
Either control your mouth or open your legs, stick to it and you too can become a waistline goddess!
2, spring fitness instructions
1. should not be too early to go out to exercise
Spring morning temperatures are low, high humidity, due to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor temperature is large, the human body suddenly cold, easy to cold; and the sun out of the air before the oxygen content is low, the middle-aged and elderly people can easily trigger cardiovascular disease, suffering from high blood pressure, Diabetes and other chronic diseases of the middle-aged and elderly early morning exercise is more dangerous. In addition, the morning air pollution is relatively more serious, will make asthma, "old slow branch", heart disease and other conditions aggravated, so the spring should be in the sun after the rise of outdoor exercise is appropriate. The concept of the chicken in the spring is not appropriate. Research shows that the afternoon and evening shade of flowers and trees have accumulated a large amount of oxygen, the air is relatively clean, so exercise time can choose 14:00 to 20:00 is more appropriate. Exercise place to choose fresh air outdoor places, such as parks, hillsides, woods, riverside and other places to avoid air pollution.
2. Choose the right exercise program
Spring to enhance the cardiopulmonary function of the main exercise, such as walking, climbing, jumping rope, square kite, jogging, spring tour, tai chi. Among them, walking is simple and easy, can be preferred, the amount of exercise can be self-regulated, suitable for any age.
3. Should not be suddenly, do not prepare for the exercise
Middle-aged and elderly people get up in the morning after muscle relaxation, joint ligament stiffness, limb function is not coordinated, so exercise should be gently before the torso, activity waist, relax muscles, joints, rub hands, face, ears and other exposed parts of the body, in order to promote local blood circulation to improve the excitement of the movement, to prevent the sudden exercise and The first thing you need to do is to relax your muscles and move your joints.
4. pay attention to the intensity of the exercise
Spring practice is to strengthen the body through exercise, do not need to carry out high-intensity strenuous exercise in order to avoid due to excessive activity and wear and tear of the human body to produce adverse effects. The intensity of the exercise should generally be normalized one hour after the exercise is reasonable. Spring exercise should not sweat too much, just sweat can be, exercise at the end of the sweat, but also immediately dry sweat, put on clean clothes, in order to prevent cold.
5. Fog days should not exercise
Fog beads contain a lot of dust, pathogenic microorganisms and other harmful substances. Exercise in the fog, people's breathing with the increase in the amount of exercise and accelerate, deepen after the fog will be a large number of harmful substances inhaled into the body, in turn, so that the exercise has become an invisible killer, resulting in harmful substances on the respiratory system of the harm, resulting in dyspnea, chest tightness, palpitations, and other undesirable symptoms, pathogens will also take advantage of the situation, jeopardizing human health.
6. Should not open mouth breathing
To learn to nose inhalation mouth breathing, exercise should develop the habit of breathing through the nose, because the nose has a filtering effect on the air, so that the trachea and lungs are not subject to dust, germs.