About the part-time job of American Girl DreamWorks 4, wait online!

Part-time job additions

11 years old

Restaurant: babysitting part-time job 5 times or more, after the second year April, prosperous street, meet Emma to get the job.

Lumberjack: Martial Arts class 5+ times, after April of the second year, Plaza, meet Sifu to get the job.

Maid: etiquette class 5 times or more, after April of the second year, the square, meet the teacher to get the job.

Age 12

Inn: Appears automatically by Jip's introduction.

Age 13

Market: after April of the fourth year, street or market, meet the boss lady to get the job.

Hotel: charisma 100+, plaza, meet the boss to get a job. (Dance Graduation Raise)

14 years old

Maid Hotel: 150+ Charm + Temperament, after April of the fifth year, Plaza, meet the store manager to get the job.

Governess: theory class 5 times or more, after the fifth year, April, the square, meet the teacher to get the job. (Theory graduation raise)

15 years old

Suspicious hotel: charisma 150 or more, after the sixth year, April, Black Street, meet the boss to get the job. (Dance graduation raise)

Casino: temperament + charisma 150+, after April 6th year, Black Street, meet the boss to get the job.