There are errors in the lyrics of Last Summer by Wang Da Mao, please have errors in the lyrics and correct them?

Below are the correct lyrics to the song Last Summer, where the bolded words are where there are errors in the lyrics of the original posting, and the extra words are in parentheses.

Last Summer - Wang Da Mao


What's left to wait for

What's left to grieve for

The people in this story are less than wonderful

Summer goes away and (can) come back

And the people are gone

It repeats my raging patience

The orchid blooms again this year

Blooms and it fails

I want to live (there is) a wonderful life alone

Some people will always come

Some people < wandering in my heart

I take it and always give it back

You take it and run away

(only) in the midst of the loss I.

It's the future that's out of sync

But change the diary in the schoolbag

Take the dust of hypocrisy

And all of it covered up

Take the pain of every heartache and take it as a deserved one

Take the heart

Always overly deadly awkward

In the past every time

I would imagine the thought

Don't be afraid of you even if I'm your

Little puppy will always be hit by the pain

Ideas can not be figured out

But always be hollowed out at a time

In the last summer to tell you

A small request

Promised not to let go

And now there's no turning back

What's the wait

What's the sorrow

The people in this story aren't too exciting

Summer goes away and comes back again

And the people are no longer there

It repeats my raging patience

I'll always give it back when I take it

You take it and run away

In the midst of loss I slowly become dull

It's the future that's out of sync

But change the diary in the schoolbag

The dust of hypocrisy

All of them covered up too

Take every heartache as if it deserved it

Put the heart out of its mind

I'm sure that someday you I'll understand

I'll always give it back when I take it

You'll run away when you take it

In the midst of loss, I'm slowly becoming dull

It's the future that's out of sync

Yet I'm changing the diary in my bag

Covering up all the dust of hypocrisy

Taking every heartache as a deserved consequence

Putting my heart on the line I'm sure one day you'll understand the love I've given you

