There is no good man in Hongtong County, which is the result of the famous Peking Opera Yutangchun. In Yu Tang Chun, Su San, a famous prostitute in the Ming Dynasty, met Wang Jinglong, the son of Shangshu, in the official department, and took the oath of being white.
Wang Jinglong had no money and was kicked out of the brothel by the pimp. Susan gave silver privately, and her wife sold Susan to Shen, a Shanxi merchant, as a concubine. Shen's wife was jealous, so she tried to kill her.
Unexpectedly, Shen died of eating poisonous noodles by mistake, and Susan was falsely accused and sentenced to death. So after being humiliated in various ways in Hongdong County, he angrily called "there are no good people in Hongdong County".
Extended data:
Hongtong is called Lotus City. There is a moat connecting Yufeng Mountain in the east of the county, and it spans Honganjian River and Sakan Li Po in the south. There are rice fields in the west and north. In the past, lotus plants were planted all around, which was different from other places.
Every summer, the lotus flowers are in full bloom, and the whole county is surrounded by lotus flowers. The next day, the lotus leaves are infinite, and the colors of lotus flowers are different. During the Qing Dynasty, Shouyang people gave lectures at Yufeng College. In the eighteenth year of Daoguang, he was an official in Jiangning.
His younger brother Qi Juanzao, a scholar in the 19th year of Jiaqing, was awarded the title of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites from an official to a university student. He was a famous scholar at that time and a descendant of Sophora Immigrants. After visiting Hongdong, the two brothers gave each other a poem.
There is an old lotus village in his brother's poem, and there is also a lotus bridge full of flowers in his brother's poem "Hometown Song", which is suspected to be a peach blossom crossing.
These two poems were circulated for a period of time and were appreciated by scholars and celebrities at that time. People also call Hong Tong the Lotus City. There are also six villages in Hongdong City, which was published in the annals of Hongdong County and the city in the Republic of China.
There are six gates in Hongtong County. During the Ming Dynasty, there was Chaoyang in the east, Shexiu in the west, Shihe in the south, Anlu in the southeast, Guanghua in the north and Yufeng in the northeast.
During Zheng De's reign, Chaoyangmen was changed to Binyang, and the drama was palace powder, which was harmonious and turned into a prosperous fire, while the other two doors remained unchanged. Therefore, Hongtong City is also known as Liumen Village.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Hongdong People (Contribution to the Ming Dynasty)
Baidu encyclopedia-Yutangchun