Why is St. Petersburg called the Capital of the North?

In Russia, St. Petersburg is often called the "Capital of the North."

For St. Petersburg, such a title is not excessive at all. St. Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia, both in terms of city size and urban significance. Moreover, St. Petersburg was the capital of Russia for more than 200 years.

In fact, this city was built as a capital. This is also its unique feature - the city was built in an open area, on the banks of the Neva River, where there are many tributaries of the Neva River that flow into the Gulf of Finland.

St. Petersburg also has another name - "Venice of the North": named after the large number of waterways, rivers and bridges in the city.

According to the vision of Peter I, the founder of St. Petersburg, the city should become a "window to Europe." And this has really become the "most European" city in Russia. It is completely different from Moscow, which slowly grew and developed on its own. St. Petersburg was built from the beginning according to an overall plan and a clear layout. As a result, the center of the city remains intact to this day. There is a reason why St. Petersburg is included in UNESCO's World Heritage List as a historical center.

This city can also be called a "museum city" because it has a large number of architectural monuments and many of the most important cultural events have occurred here. As a result, St. Petersburg gained another name - the "Cultural Capital" of Russia.

The emergence of St. Petersburg is closely related to the Northern War (1700-1721). At that time, Russia launched this war with Sweden in order to liberate the land at the mouth of the Neva River and the Gulf of Finland, and at the same time determine its position in the Baltic Sea. On May 16, 1703, a grand castle foundation laying ceremony was held on a small "Zayaqi Island". This island is located on the right bank of the Neva River, and it is here that the wide Neva River is divided into two branches: Veliko Neva and Lesser Neva. At that time, Peter the Great, who was highly accomplished in shipbuilding and engineering, personally selected the location and formulated the construction plan, including the construction of all fortifications.

Many architects and designers from Russia and abroad were involved in the construction of St. Petersburg. However, foreign architects working in Russia must work according to the labor conditions specially prescribed by Russia. They must obey the control of the leaders of the construction department and often need to complete the instructions issued by Peter the Great himself. In addition, foreign architects must strictly comply with the standards of traditional Russian architecture in terms of architectural style.

This city on the Neva River is famous for its beauty. The appearance of the entire city is majestic. The river bank is paved with granite. Various palaces are neatly and solemnly arranged along the bank. The various spiers and domes of the palace tower into the sky...a group of elegantly designed squares. , adjacent to the vast water area, connecting and complementing each other. The streets as straight as arrows all point to the spire of the naval headquarters. The straight and straight Nevsky Prospekt, the majestic statue of the Bronze Horseman... This city that appeared on the empty riverbank swamps became the capital of a vast country in the early 18th century and grew and developed rapidly. . Each era gives the city its image and characteristics. St. Petersburg was once the scientific and cultural center of Russia. Here, Peter I founded the Academy of Sciences. Here, the Academy of Arts and Sciences was established. Here, the first national museums appeared. Here, famous Russian actors show off their art on the theater stage. Many well-known writers and poets, outstanding musicians and artists have forged a close bond with this city. The works of many writers were born on the banks of the beautiful Neva River: Pushkin and Gogol, Nekrasov and Belinsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin and Dostoevsky, Glinka and Chai Kovsky, Fedotov and Repin...

Performances at the Pushkin Model Theatre, the Gogol Model Theater and other Petersburg theaters were performed not only in Russia, but also in many Other countries have had great success. In various parts of the world, many art lovers have witnessed more than once the virtuosity of the artists of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra.

St. Petersburg - this is a city of museums. Only here, guests who come to Russia can deeply experience the history of Russia in such a short period of time and appreciate various rare, strange and unique museum exhibits. Here we introduce you to some of the famous museums.

The Hermitage Museum - one of the largest art museums in the world. It ranks alongside the likes of the Louvre in France and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The Hermitage Museum consists of five buildings - the most important of which is the Hermitage. The Hermitage's exhibits are placed in more than 350 exhibition halls. The interior of the entire palace occupies a very important position. The exhibition halls open in the museum include: Department of Ancient Greek Art, Department of Western European Art, Department of Oriental Art, Department of Primitive Culture, Department of Russian Cultural History, "Golden Room" and Coin Hall. In the exhibition halls of the Hermitage Museum, art collections from major museums around the world are often displayed.

The Russian State Museum is the museum with the largest and most complete collection of national plastic arts in the country. Its collections include approximately 400,000 exhibits, covering all historical periods and trends of Russian art, all schools, categories and genres from the tenth century to the millennium of the twentieth century.

The Collection Museum is the oldest national museum in Russia. The museum was created in 1704 on the order of Peter the Great and became the basis for the later construction of the St. Petersburg (later - Russian) Academy of Sciences and several scientific research institutions and museum institutions. Today, the full official name of the museum is – Peter the Great Museum of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The purpose of establishing this museum is to collect and study rare treasures from nature and human handicrafts. Currently, the Peter the Great Museum of Ethnology and Anthropology (Collection) of the Russian Academy of Sciences has one of the most comprehensive and interesting collections in the world. Its collections include more than 1 million precious cultural relics, which fully reflect the diversity of ethnic cultures in the old and new worlds. At the same time, the museum has been and remains one of the largest centers for the study of human cultural heritage. The great Russian ethnographic and anthropological research traditions of the 18th to 20th centuries continue here.

Of course, to really experience St. Petersburg and appreciate its beauty, be sure to walk around the streets of the city, along the banks of the Neva River and canals, and in St. Petersburg’s parks Take a look around. Most tourists come to this city in early summer just to witness the "White Night" with their own eyes. At this time, the night is as bright as the day, and people can play and have fun in the city all day long...

St. Peter Suburbs

When people talk about St. Peter When traveling to the suburbs, the first things that come to mind are palaces, museums, and suburban estates.

Indeed, the suburbs of St. Petersburg are famous for their palace-manor complexes. These buildings include: Gatchina and Pushkin (Tsarskoye Selo), Oranienbaum and Pavlovsk, Petrogov (Peter Palace)...

As a A cultural relics protection museum in the palace and manor art and architectural style, Tsarskoe Selo is simply unparalleled! There are the Cameron Gallery, the magnificent Catherine Palace, the "China Village" and the Alexander Palace... Moreover, these Tsarskoe Selo palaces and estates, once praised by the great Russian poet Pushkin, are a complex that was formed in the 18th century - A unified artistic complex of the 19th century. The Antiquities Museum in Tsarskoe Selo houses many unique collections in the world, including paintings, porcelain, furniture, textiles and more.

Located on the Gulf of Finland, the world-famous Peterhof (or Peterhof as it is often called) is a palace-manor complex decorated with many beautiful fountains. Visitors to St. Petersburg spend hours admiring Peterhof's fountains and visiting the palace's museums.

However, there are many places of interest in the Leningrad Oblast surrounding St. Petersburg that are unknown to foreign tourists.

The peoples living in the Leningrad Oblast have had many important events in their history, which have had a profound impact on the development of Russia's culture, religion, commerce and national status. .

The region's deep and long history, with its many tragic events that occurred in different eras, constitutes a huge historical legacy. There are 3,900 Russian historical and cultural monuments concentrated on the land of Leningrad Oblast, including 300 federal monuments. The six stone fortresses of the Leningrad region guard their secrets like defenders.

Leningrad Oblast is home to the huge Lakes Ladoga, Onega and Chud (also known as Lake Pepsi), as well as numerous rivers of the Karelia Isthmus. Here are the ancient Krel Castle (Priozersk), Ivangorod and Oreshek Castles.

There is also one of the oldest cities in Russia - the ancient Ladoga city located on the banks of the Volkhov River, where there are castles and temples built in the twelfth century...here There are many monasteries - the Konievic Monastery on Konievic Island in Lake Ladoga, the Alexander-Sveri Monastery on the banks of the Sveri River... There is also a picturesque history here The famous cities of Tikhvin and Vyborg...120 ancient manors and monuments will reveal their secrets to curious tourists...

On the land of Leningrad Oblast There are still many traces of the war. Those monuments of great significance (such as the "Life is Precious" monument and many other monuments) remind people all the time to always remember the Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Particularly worth mentioning is the city "Vyborg". In fact, any tourist traveling from Finland to St. Petersburg (or from St. Petersburg back to Finland), whether by car, bus or train, will not miss this place with countless islands and bays. ) picturesque city with ancient castle. Even if you can only stay there for a short time it is well worth it!

St. Petersburg is also an important medical research and education base in Russia. It has the Pavlov Medical University, the sixth largest medical university in the world and one of the top ten in Europe, and Michnikov Medical University. The hospital, the world's only pediatric medical school, the Department of Medicine of Petersburg University, the School of Pharmacy and other outstanding Russian medical universities; there are also dozens of local medical research institutes and academies of science.

Russian higher education began in 1723 and has a history of more than 270 years. It has a good tradition and a high international reputation. Thanks to Russia's highly developed higher education, almost all Russian citizens have the opportunity to receive higher education. As the education center of Russia, Petersburg has a superior learning environment.

Introduction to famous schools in St. Petersburg:

Saint Petersburg State University – one of the top ten universities in the world

St. Petersburg State University of Precision Mechanics and Optics – third in the world in computer science , leading Europe and the United States in the field of optics and precision machinery

Saint Petersburg State Technical University - one of the most famous universities in Russia

Saint Petersburg State University of Finance and Economics - ranked first among Russian economic institutions< /p>

St. Petersburg State Medical University—ranked sixth among medical schools in the world

St. Petersburg Repin State Academy of Fine Arts—one of the four largest art academies in the world

St. Petersburg State Normal University - a world-famous normal university, a leader in education in Russia and the world