Not at the moment. But you learn it by playing the music video with a special player and using a slow play or frame-by-frame effect, and you'll learn it by watching it! That's how I learned it! Keep your body movements separate, learn the footwork first, it's the easiest, then note the difference between left and right hand. You should learn the right hand first, don't look at it for more movements, it's the main character in this! Follow the movements of the right hand with your conscious mind, it won't be troublesome! Then plug in the left hand movements.
You don't want to learn the climax first. Don't look at it as just a few simple repetitions, it's a bigger and more difficult part! Learn the moves in the first section before you come to the climax. After the two zombies appeared after the dance action to reduce, you have to pay attention to see the two girls movements, this part is the most difficult!