The lyrics are: I hate smooth and hypocritical boys
Saying that it's hard to love you in your heart
I like down-to-earth and real boys
He knows how to love me with all his heart
I'd like to advise the girl who is just starting out to love me
If you want to pick a boyfriend, don't just look at his appearance
If he's a real guy, you should look for him to be honest and real
If he's a real guy, you should look at him to see if he's a good-looking guy. If you want to pick a boyfriend, don't just look at whether he is handsome or not
You have to pay attention to whether he is honest and truthful
If he is a boy who pays attention to the appearance of hypocrisy
You don't don't give your love to him
If he is a boy who is honest and truthful
This kind of boyfriend is cute
I would like to bless the world's affectionate girls
I would like to bless the world's affectionate girls
I would like to bless the world's affectionate girls
I hope you find a lovely partner
True love
This life will be very happy and enjoyable
Ah this is it
I don't know, I found this one, I'll send it to you, if it is
For those of you who forgot to give me points, please do not forget to send them to me.