The decimal part of it is infinitely cyclic, and no matter how it is calculated, the law of the decimal part cannot be calculated. Definition of irrational number: Infinitely circulating decimals are called irrational numbers. The root number 3 is an infinite cycle decimal, so the root number 3 is an irrational number.
Also called infinite acyclic decimal, you cannot write the ratio of two integers. If written in decimal form, there are infinitely many digits after the decimal point, which will not cycle. Common irrational numbers include the square root, π and E (the latter two are transcendental numbers) of incomplete square numbers. Another feature of irrational numbers is the expression of infinite connected fractions. Irrational numbers were first discovered by a disciple of Pythagoras.
Common irrational numbers include root number 2, root number 5, root number 7, square root of 6 and so on. Numbers that cannot open the root sign are irrational.
But like root number 9, root number 16, root number 25, etc. This radical sign is reasonable.