The large-scale folk dance drama "Silk Road Flowers and Rain" is based on the Silk Road and Dunhuang frescoes as the subject matter, and has been created by taking the strengths of songs and dances of

The large-scale folk dance drama "Silk Road Flowers and Rain" is based on the Silk Road and Dunhuang frescoes as the subject matter, and has been created by taking the strengths of songs and dances of various places and nationalities, and has been to 30

Test Question Analysis: China's large-scale folk dance has Chinese characteristics, showing the Chinese national culture, the dance has been to the world to perform in a number of countries and regions, was very well received, which shows that culture is both national and global. The dance has been performed in many countries and regions of the world, well received, which shows that culture is both national and global, ① statement is correct; the dance to the Silk Road and Dunhuang murals as the subject matter, the diversity of various places, the length of the folk songs and dances created, which is the reason for its popularity, ④ statement is correct; ② ③ and the meaning of the question is not consistent.