Russian writer Lev Tolstoy once said. Tolstoy once said, "A person, he is not because of the beautiful is lovely, but because of the lovely is beautiful." Yes! A person's beauty, he should not only be beautiful in appearance, but also in the heart. A beautiful mind should have a beautiful ideal. Only by striving on for one's ideal is perfect beauty.
Before, I didn't know much about beauty, and at that time, I thought that a person who looks good is beautiful. However, there is one thing that has changed my view of beauty.
I remember it was when I was ten years old . One day, I was playing soccer in the open space. Suddenly, I realized that two passers-by were gesticulating at me behind my back and whispering, "Look, he's so fat, so young and so fat, I wonder what he'll be like when he grows up?" Said, they walked away. I heard, the heart is not taste, think: fat is fat, what is strange, the world and not only I am a person fat. However, their words reminded me, right! If I am so fat, then ...... I do not dare to think further down.