Baobanzhangzi Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Yangjiagou Town, Kazuo County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 121 for the town center. The zoning code is 211324111200, and the first 6 digits of the resident's identity card number is 211324. The postal code is 122000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0421, and the license plate number is Liao N. Burning pot scepter village is adjacent to the village of Cui scepter village, Donggou village, Laowopu village, Xiaohuang scepter village, Zhu scepter village, Dahuang scepter village, Shibaiba_village, Shangwopu village, Yankangougou village, Tiegoumen village, and Beizigou village, Shimojougou Village are adjacent to each other.
Burning pot scepter village near the Louzi Mountain, Tiegouli scenic area, Kazuo Longyuan tourist area, Longfeng Mountain Forest Park, the first bay of the Linghe River and other tourist attractions, there are Kazuo Chen vinegar, Kazuo alabaster, the Daling River duck eggs, the Tiannian flower, Kazuo roasted whole goat and other specialties.