(1) [regret not to have known sb. before]
Describing a meeting like a friend, like-minded, but hating to meet each other too late, only to be happy to Guixing, hand and foot, seeing each other hate each other. (2) Also known as late to meet Ningnan thought it was too late to meet, so that the Sen Sen was close to each other. (2) also as late to see each other. Huang Zongxi (黄宗羲 《柳敬亭传》) Detailed Explanation Hate to see each other too late. It describes a person who is like a friend at first sight and is extremely compatible with each other. The text of the "Historical Records - Pingjin Hou main father biography": "The son of heaven summoned three people, said: 'Gong, etc. are in? He said, 'Where are all of you? Why are you so late to meet me? Flower City, 1981, Supplement, No. 4: "Wu Fei found it and teasingly said, 'How is it, Ms. Lai, is there any meaning of hating the late meeting? It is also written as "相逢 恨晚". 宋 吴儆 《 念奴娇》 词:"相逢恨晚,人谁道,早有轻离轻折。"
Word Breakdown
Explanation of Meet Each Other Meet Each Other The entire delegation met them at the terminal Detailed Explanation Meet each other. Li Ji - Qu Li Shi (《礼记-曲礼下》):"The vassals who have not met each other in time are said to have met." Old Title Han Li Ling "Poem with Su Wu" No. 3: "In the battlefield, there is no time to meet each other." Song Su Shi 《和子由《除夜日省宿致斋》晚的解释 晚 ǎ When the sun has set: evening scenery. Evening sunshine. Evening party. Evening News. The latter part of a period, after a certain time: late. Late year. Late in life. Late festival. Late marriage. Later: late-born (the self-effacement of the literati to their predecessors in the olden days). Late generation . Surname. 早 笔画数:; 部首 :日;笔