Gosho Ruri character song masquerade lyrics

Masquerade! (Masquerade)

Lyrics? Composer? Arranged by La-Masskera

Masquerade! (Masquerade! On this night, I entrust my body to the darkness of the evening)

Now, Shall we dance? Now,Shall we dance? Let's go and look into the light of this moonlit night)

Dance party's hospitality One person きりで待ってた日々(孤独一个人在苦候 假面舞会邀请函的每天)

雪の白に黒いカフス 红い红い瞳には涙(在白衣上扣上黑頸针 赤紅い睛紋)

魔法の马车で迎えに来て 私のこと(請請請請請請請請請在白衣上扣上黑頸针 赤红い睛泛着泪光)

魔法の马车で迎えに来て 私の Kと(请用魔法的马车来迎接我)

淡く 涙 空へ溶けてゆくよ(淚水正淡淡地 向天空上一直溶化)


Masquerade!この夜は ドレスの黒に身をまかせて(Masquerade!この夜晚は ドレスの黒に身をまかせて(Masquerade!在这之晚上将身體交託與這漆黑的晚服)

Masquerade! Now, Shall we dance? Now, Shall we dance? Let's dance and explore the light of the moonlit night

Glass Boots 氷は溶け sleep-walkerようなステップ。 Dark Stage (ルビー) 闇の舞台 (ステージ) 苍い苍いバラの棘は刺す(深红红的红宝石在漆黑舞台上 苍蓝玫瑰花的锐刺刺痛痛心)

真珠のような月に溶けゆく 二の影に(二人身影) (兩人身影 gradually dissolve into the moon that looks like the real pearl)

繋ぐのその手离さないでと(clasping the wrist, don't let go of the wrist)

Itsumi (いつうなステップ) is a song about the two people in the world who have a dream, and the two people in the world are the only people in the world who can see the world. p>


Masquerade! この夜は 星降る丘でお逢いしましょう(Masquerade! In this night, we will see each other again at the hill where the stars are falling)

It's time to dance 時を忘れ永遠のワルツ 貴方と(It's time to dance 忘却时光與你)

It's time to dance forgetting the time with you. It's time to dance 忘却时光 与你一起***舞永远的华尔兹)

午前0时の钟が鸣っても 私の手を离さないでね(即使午夜零時の钟聲响起 也别放开我的手)

Masquerade is going on さあ踊りましょう ゴシックの夜を 兩人で(面面舞会) Masquerade is going on さあ踊りましょう ゴシックの夜を 二人で(Masquerade is going on さあ踊りましょう ゴシックの夜を 二人で(面面舞会)

Magic is unlocked by the hands of the clock and the ****... (Though the magic slowly disappears with the beat of the hour hand...)

変わらぬ月の光の舞台(ステージ) LaLa(但这月光之舞台将恒恒變 LaLa)

真珠のような月に溶けゆく 二人の影に(二人身影)(二人身身身逐渐溶化到如真珠般的月亮)

繋ぐ その手 离さないでと(clasping the wrist, please don't let go of the wrist)

い つか空へ届くように(但希望有天能奔翔天际)

Masquerade!この夜は 星降る丘でお逢いしましょう(Masquerade! In this night, I will see you again at the hill where the stars fall)

It's time to dance 時を忘れ永遠のワルツ 貴方と(It's time to dance forgetting the time and being with you)

It's time to dance forgetting the time and being with you. It's time to dance forget the time and waltz with you forever)

Masquerade! This night is the night of the darkness of the drexel. Shall we dance? Let's dance to find out the light of this moonlit night)

Noontime 0 o'clock clock clock is ringing っても 私の手を离さないでね(即使午夜零時の钟声响起 也别放开我的手)

Masquerade is going on さあ踊りましょう ゴシックの夜を 兩人で(面面舞會继续下去來让我们起舞一起***享 Let's dance and enjoy the gothic night together)



Is this the one? It's Chichi's lyrics.