What do the lyrics to Casual Swing mean?

The meaning of the lyrics of Casual Swing is that they express the creator's love for dancing.

"Casual Swing" is a song sung by the singer Europe and the United States group of stars, the total duration of the song is 06 minutes and 40 seconds, by Zhang Liangying lyrics, Lisa Scott-Lee, Phillip Dyson, Daniel sherman, the song is included in the United States and the United States group of stars in November 01, 2006 release of the album "March Rain". The song is included in the album "March Rain" released by the European and American group of stars on November 01, 2006.


Let go of the rules and start all over again, no barriers

Lines, colors, angles, carefully arranged, pick and choose

So shine, capturing the surprise of each unintentional

Souls that sparkle have to come out to play recklessly

Don't let me calm down

Diamonds will blind, get used to the tension

Don't let me calm down

Diamonds can be blindingHabitual nervousness doesn't matter

Catch every pair of cold, reserved but eager eyes


Think what you wantNo boundariesAll imperfections are perfect

Inspiration is very beastlycatch on time


Want you to want to be able to make a bad thingLonelinessFilm carves the adoration

Intuitively It's alright

smoke eyes Candy metal creativity new posture

heels even higher still casually swing romantic style

not blame control the whole scene has always been not afraid of accidents

keep up with the rhythm of curiosity has its own arrangement

don't ask me why


Breaking through the imagination

To hold every disguise I'll show you

It's so real that you can't even see it

It's so real that even you're fooled