Difference between punk and funk...!
Punk is a form of rebellion, like all other rock styles, it rebelled against all other forms of music in the 70's and was similar to the Fugs' anti-art trend of the 60's, it is the root of sensationalism, the principle of music making is that the overall proposition is more important than the music, and that it is an integral part of any performance. Punk is anarchy, rebellion against society and the established order. It is also destructive, pessimistic, bleak and frustrating. Musically, punk is a reaction against the monotony of rock and roll, especially American rock and roll, and all the products of the 70's (disco, art rock, jazz rock), the punk people want to bring rock and roll back to the style of the 50's and sing lyrics that accurately express reality. Funk music is music with emotion and rhythm! Funk is a word that literally means music with emotion and rhythm, and it originated in the 60s as a kind of popular music created by black people, which at first glance sounds similar to R&B rhythm and blues music. Funk music is characterized by the fact that the bass plays a very important role in its music, and it is almost the leader of the whole music. In addition, funk's lyrics are often exaggerated and impolite, which makes it easy to make an impression! Although funk music originated in the 60's, it really started to become popular in the 70's. After the 80's, due to the incorporation of disco music and electronic synthesizers, funk gradually changed in terms of speed and content. In order to keep up with the trend of dance music in the world, funk became faster and faster, and even added some rock flavors to it! In addition, the content of funk music is getting more and more fancy, adding various elements to it, thus making it more and more diverse in its overall presentation! Funk music has a strong rhythm, but it doesn't have the quality of dance music that makes you dance at the first listen. As a result, funk music began to decline in the 1990s. As a result, funk music began to decline in the 1990s! Although we still hear funk rhythms in a lot of music, most of it isn't really funk, it's just funk that utilizes funk elements! However, for many older fans, funk is still a very nostalgic Funk style When street dance was popular in the 80's, the media often inaccurately used the term "breakdancing" as a catch-all term for all the other styles of street dance they saw. However, many people don't realize that there are so many other styles and other cultures attached to it, and that other styles are characterized by it.