The house became the heaviest mountain on the shoulders of the masses. No matter what measures the government takes, no matter how the relevant departments regulate and control, and how the government appeals, housing prices can never stay at an acceptable price for low-and middle-income families. Excessive housing prices have long made encouraging housing consumption a dead letter.
In the face of all kinds of price increases, the pockets of local ruffians and hooligans have not followed the price increase. On the contrary, it is the rise of house prices, water charges and electricity charges. It's still a little tight These groups are getting farther and farther away from the day when they can buy a house, and living in a new house seems to be a dream. The money saved in the past could have bought a room at that time, but now you may not even be able to buy a toilet. The only way for low-and middle-income groups to afford a house is to make a patchwork to live in a new house. If you want to wait until the house price really drops, I'm afraid you can't count on it in this life.