Kneeling! Architectural features of ancient Roman squares?

The form of ancient Roman secular architecture is quite mature and well integrated with the function. For example, large theaters throughout the Roman Empire, the audience plane is semicircular, rising row by row, with a longitudinal aisle as the main, cross aisle as a supplement. Audience according to the ticket number from different entrances, stairs, to reach the seats in each section. The flow of people does not cross, gathering and dispersing convenient. The stage is high, in front of the music pool, behind the make-up building, make-up building fa?ade is the background of the stage, the two ends of the protruding forward to form the prototype of the stage mouth, has been similar to the modern large-scale performances of the basic shape of the building.  Ancient Rome multi-storey apartments commonly used standard units. Some apartments have stores on the ground floor, upstairs residents have a balcony. This form is also similar to modern apartments. From the theater, gladiatorial arena, baths and apartments and other forms, when the architectural design of this technical science has been quite developed. Ancient Roman architect Vitruvius wrote "ten books of architecture" is the summary of this science.  Ancient Roman architecture to meet a variety of complex functional requirements, mainly relying on a very high level of the arch structure, to obtain a wide internal space. The barrel arch of the main hall of the palace of the Flavian dynasty on the Palatine Hill has a span of 29.3 meters. The diameter of the dome of the Pantheon is 43.3 meters. In the middle of the first century A.D., the cross arch was introduced, which covered the square building space, concentrating the weight of the vault on the piers at the corners, eliminating the need for continuous load-bearing walls and making the space more open.  Combining several cross arches with cylindrical arches and vaults can cover complex interior spaces. The Royal Baths of the Roman Empire is a masterpiece of this combination. Constantine Basilica in the center of the Roman city east of the central square with three cross arches, spanning 25.3 meters, 40 meters high, the left and right each have three spans of 23.5 meters of cylindrical arches to resist the horizontal thrust, the level of the structure is very high. The massive auditoriums of the theaters and gladiatorial arenas were also erected on a complex system of arches.  The popularization of the arch structure was due to the use of volcanic ash concrete, which was strong, easy to construct, and inexpensive. Around the 2nd century B.C., this concrete became a stand-alone building material, and by the 1st century B.C., it had almost completely replaced stone in the construction of arches, as well as in the building of walls. Concrete surface commonly used a layer of square conical stone or triangular brick protection, and then a layer of plaster or a layer of marble slabs; there are also in the concrete wall before a stone wall for the surface layer of the practice.  Ancient Roman architecture of wood structure technology has been a considerable level, able to distinguish between the trusses of the tie rod and compression rod. The Roman city of Tula Zen Basilica, the span of wooden trusses reached 25 meters. The Great Roman Colosseum, built in the first century A.D., had a capacity of 50,000 spectators and took only five to six years to complete. It was built on a filled-in lake, and the foundations did not even sink.  Balbec Temple of the Sun built in the middle of the 2nd century AD, surrounded by 45 columns, each 19.6 meters high, the base diameter of 2 meters, are processed with a single block of granite. Temple on the back wall 8 meters high, three blocks each weighing about 500 tons of large stone blocks, visible at the time the lifting capacity of the large.  Public **** baths generally have centralized heating facilities. From the fire room out of the hot smoke and hot air flowing through the various halls under the floor, within the wall skin and the vaulted ceiling in the ceramic pipe, radiating heat. According to Vitruvius' Ten Books of Architecture, the theaters had copper *** sounding urns buried under the seats to improve the sound quality. In addition, as late as the middle of the 1st century A.D., windows were already fitted with tens of centimeters square of highly transparent plate glass. In addition to the capital city of Rome in the concentration of the highest achievements of ancient Roman architecture, all over the empire have a very high level, large-scale buildings of all kinds.  Ancient Roman architectural art achievement is very high. The style of large buildings is majestic and heavy, the composition is harmonious and unified, and the forms are diverse. The Romans opened up new fields of architectural art, enriched the architectural art techniques.  One of the more important is: the new creation of the internal space under the cover of the arches, there is a solemn Pantheon of a single space, there are many levels, changes in the Royal Baths of the sequence of combined space, and Basilica's unidirectional depth of space. In some buildings the artistic treatment of internal space is of greater importance than the external physical form.  Ancient Greek columnar compositions were developed to make them more adaptable. Most significant was the creation of combinations of columns with architraves, such as coupon columns and continuous coupons, for both structure and decoration. Most of the triumphal arches throughout the empire were composed of coupon columns. There were centralized buildings with various curved planes and arched structures. Hadrian's Leaving Palace, built on the outskirts of Rome in the first half of the 2nd century AD, is a mature example.  From the second half of the 4th century A.D., the tide of ancient Roman architecture declined. after the 15th century, through the Renaissance, Classicism. After the 15th century, through the Renaissance, Classicism, the Classical Revival and the early 19th century, France's "Empire Style" advocated, ancient Roman architecture in Europe to become an example of learning. This phenomenon continued until the 1920s and 1930s.  Books and drawings of Roman architecture began to reach China in the late Ming Dynasty. The Italian missionary Matteo Ricci asked for three volumes of "Public Opinion Maps of the Ancient City of Rome" from Italy, which were deposited in the Jesuit Library in Beijing, and in 1672, the Italian missionary Aleni brought two volumes of "Wide Opinion Maps" to China. These books contained pictures of Roman gladiatorial arenas, baths. Temples and drawings of Roman markets. In addition, in the early 17th century, the Jesuit library in Beijing had three volumes of Vitruvius's Ten Books of Architecture but ancient Roman architecture did not have a practical impact on Chinese architecture.