2. Deterrence of the mind, to the extreme of emptiness, keep quiet.
3. Goodness is like water, the highest goodness, as if the water, the water to all things benefit, but do not ask for return, the water, in the place of ten thousand people loathe, so it is very close to the Tao.
4. Man follows the law of the earth, the law of the earth follows the law of the heaven, the law of the heaven follows the law of the Tao, and the law of the Tao follows nature; this is the Tao.
5. All things are negative and hold the yin and the yang; they are in harmony with the qi; they know their males and keep their females; they live in a good place; they have a good heart; they are kind to each other.
6. The one who knows is wise, and the one who knows himself is clear, and does not see himself, so he is clear, and does not know himself, so he is clear, and is prudent as the beginning, so there is no failure.
7. The water is good for all things without competition, at the evil of all people, so a few in the road. Master, those who are good are the teachers of those who are not good, and those who are not good are the capital of those who are good, so please allow the master to allow the disciple, to become the subordinate of the Jing brothers.
8. Changqing came to collect demons, no offense intended. The human and demon paths are separate and do not offend each other, Your Excellency, as a demon, should be clear about this. Your Excellency pulled out the magic sword, causing chaos among the demons, Shushan has already done its best to remedy the situation, why do you want to worsen the situation? Please stop there, Your Excellency.
9. In fact it was never meant to be easy, think about it, what is the ultimate purpose of your sword dance? All other moves are false, only this thrust, is the real. Before you can get straight to that one reality, you have to go through countless emptiness. (Explaining to Jingtian why it is not easy to stab the V gesture)
10. Everyone has selfishness, everyone wants to cherish their feelings, but wouldn't the world be in chaos if exceptions were made everywhere. The reason why heaven and earth can last is that they are not self-generating, so they can live forever, and there is always a time for everything in them. This is nature, and this is the Way.
11. The man who studies the Way, who knows and does not know, knows, and who does not know and thinks he knows, is sick.
12. Listen, I don't care if you hate me or not, but right now the search for the Fire Spirit Pearl is a vital matter, and at midnight tonight, the door to Elysium will open, so let's move on this. (Worthy of being the eldest disciple of Shushan, he has a clear sense of priorities and is quite a leader)
13. Let's get out of here, brother Jing has his reasons for doing so. (really believe in their own brothers)
14. Changqing did not repress, and do not need to use catharsis. Changqing does not have a heart. (In fact, drunkenness shouted love Zixuan, woke up on the mouth hard)
15. Jing Tian brother: the master once taught, heaven and earth life, karma, a lot of things to be personally present to know, this life's hijacking, must be personally unraveled. At that time, Changqing did not understand, and now through all kinds of experience, realize that Changqing in the past daily trapped in the mountains, is not the real way of cultivation, where the seven emotions and six desires, must be experienced in order to transcend. Please forgive Changqing for leaving without saying goodbye. Changqing promised that after a few days, he will definitely come to his senses and get rid of all the knots in his heart, so that he can come back and continue on the road with Jingtian. (Changqing decided to face the feelings with Zixuan, went to look for her left a letter to Jingtian)
16. Master, I am sorry. I understand that for a long time, I have been solemn and self-possessed, tireless, to cultivate as a life-long work, and also thought that I was not far from attaining the Way. But this trip down the mountain, I realized that, in the face of the seven feelings and six desires, is so unbearable. However, this is the real life, there is suffering, happiness, love and hate. The past days were like dragonflies, it was as if the disciple had never really lived. When the disciple decided to go and find Miss Zixuan, there seemed to be a never-before-experienced joy within his heart, and this joy could not be described in words. Disciple had already decided that after sending this mass of evil qi back to the Heavenly Realm, I would go back to find Miss Zixuan. Changqing is y sorry for failing to live up to the love of all the masters, and the Sect Leader. (Go to find Zixuan before reporting to the masters and thus quit Shushan, Qing Wei, the master of Xu Changqing can be really kind, successor to run actually still happy, but also told Xu Changqing Zixuan where now)
17. For the six worlds, the emperor of the sky has been in the minds of all beings, has the supreme position, the emperor of the sky to make a mistake, the six worlds of the beings, how can they be ashamed of themselves. The mountain of Shu to the earth, as the emperor of the six worlds, one day if the mountain of Shu made a mistake, Changqing also do not know how to live with themselves. It is not easy to carry the hopes of so many living beings. (Answering the understanding of the Heavenly Emperor and Jingtian about making mistakes and regret)
18. You should stop blaming yourself, I understand everything you have done now.
Zixuan: don't you hate me?
Why hate when it is for love. What's more, everything you did was for me.
19.The sky is big, the road is infinite, and how can we be considered an extraordinary person. Once faced with a choice, often, will be, will be terrified. But there are always two sides of the story, there is always someone who will end up getting hurt. (When he decided to endure the pain of sending Qing'er to Mount Shushan)
20.Love will make people tug at their heartstrings, and it will also make people jealous and hateful, no matter what, I hope that he can be truly happy. (Zixuan said Chonglou is aching for love when Xu Changqing's reply)
21. so what? Every mortal, too, will grow old day by day. At that time, will you dislike me?
Zixuan: How could I?
That's right then, that's my answer. (Xu Changqing's answer when Zixuan asked if he would leave because he was aging)
22. I won't do anything except for my identity as a disciple of Shushan. (Reply to Xu Changqing's very calm reply when Evil Sword Immortal lured him to surrender by using the king of the earth)
23.These truths, I have understood long ago, but those memories, those feelings, and the experiences, are my most precious, and there are also you and I's past lives, how do you ask me to give up? This is the same as taking poison to commit suicide, what is the difference. (Zixuan let him drink the water of forgetfulness said)
24. After the rain will be clear, this is the law of nature. Life is the same, there is joy, happiness and sadness.
25. Why do you say so, all beings are equal, I just do my best. (Xu Changqing you no matter how much education, I guess Jingtian will still feel that being the head of the door is something to be congratulated ......)
26.People have their own aspirations. Although you and I are not on the same path, but the earthly destiny between you and me, I will cherish it. We, Shushan, will always welcome you. (Jingtian said to go back to Yongan when Xu Changqing's words of farewell)
27. Know its male, keep its female. Agree 0| Comments