What to learn first

Familiarize yourself with the music, listen to the rhythm, and follow the beat.

1, beginner square dance is mainly familiar with the music, listen to the rhythm, with the beat, first learn how to walk, and then is the coordination of the body, hand, learning anything has a habit of the process, do not be in a hurry, slowly learn, as long as you are familiar with the music, follow the beat slowly can keep up.

2, if you feel that your hands and feet are not coordinated, it is recommended that you start learning from the social dance, because the pace of the social dance is more simple, basically someone with almost, like tango and other difficult, basically, you can give up, fast three, slow three, fast four, slow four can be learned, mastered after you can go to the square dance, super simple.

Benefits of square dancing

1, improve cardiorespiratory fitness

Square dance belongs to the low-intensity exercise, long-term adherence to square dancing, will enhance our cardiac muscle contraction force and the heart pumping ability, so that the human body metabolism is more smooth, it is very good for the enhancement of human cardiorespiratory fitness.

2, practicing muscles to help balance

Balance ability is related to two factors. On the one hand, the body's own factors, such as the eyes, central nervous system, muscles have a certain balance regulation, everyone in the growth process there are different degrees of imbalance, the body can use the compensatory ability to regulate; on the other hand, is that you can improve the body's balance through specialized training. Square dance in many symmetrical movements and asymmetrical movements can be very good exercise our balance.

3, practice rhythm can be healthy brain

Square dance has a lot of synchronized, non-synchronized and different rhythms of the action, the practice of these movements, the brain center to release the transmitter, that is, the neuronal synapse between the connection between the more, which is very helpful to improve our memory speed and memory capacity. When the brain innervates the limbs, the rate and rhythm also improves, and the accuracy and speed of the movements are enhanced.