I leave a lot of love what song

One Night In Beijing.

Sung by: Nobuko


One Night in Beijing

I left a lot of love behind

No matter if you love it or not

It's all just dust of history

One Night in Beijing

I left a lot of love behind

Don't dare to ask for directions in the middle of the night

Fear of going to the depths of the hundred flowers

People say that in the depths of the hundred flower field

lived an old lover sewing embroidered shoes

The old man with the peaceful face

Still waiting for the return of the man who left the war.

One Night in Beijing

Don't drink too much

Walking outside the Di'anmen Gate

No one is immovable to true love

One Night in Beijing

I have left behind a lot of love

The men who sang songs and drank wine are the wolves in the north

People say the wolves in the north are the wolves in the north. The wolves of the north

will stand outside the city gates in the cold wind

dressed in rusty iron clothes

calling for the gates to open with tears in their eyes

Oh, I've been waiting for 1,000 years

why aren't the gates opening

Wow, I've been waiting for 1,000 years

why doesn't my good man come back

One Night in Beijing

I left a lot of love behind.

I've left behind a lot of feelings

Don't dare to ask for directions in the middle of the night

Fear of touching the soul of sadness

One Night in Beijing

I've left behind a lot of feelings

Don't dare to ask for directions in the middle of the night

Fear of reaching the gate of Di'anmen

Not wanting to ask you where you are

Not wanting to think about it.

Thinking about your heart and your face

Wanting to hold it on my chest as long as I can

One Night in Beijing

One Night in Beijing

One Night in Beijing

One Night in Beijing

One Night in Beijing

One Night in Beijing

One Night in Beijing

One Night in Beijing

One Night in Beijing

One Night in Beijing