There are many ways to open the shoulders, such as the cow face pose, the piercing needle pose, the criss-cross, the 8-word twist, etc. The methods are as follows:
1, Cow Face Pose
Sit in vajra and raise your right hand to the ceiling. Bend the right elbow, palm comes to the middle of the shoulder blade, left hand grabs the right elbow and presses down to strengthen the opening of the right shoulder (don't be too hasty), if this is easy for you, the left hand comes to the back, middle of the back, grabs the right hand and gently leans back towards the arm, the right arm doesn't put pressure on the neck, hold for 5 deep breaths and then switch sides.
2, through the needle
Through the needle from the four-legged stool type, the right arm to the body below, the right shoulder on the ground, the right solar plexus to the ground, the left hand to maintain the original position, or slightly to the right to the head in front of the head, to maintain a 5 deep breaths, and then change sides.
3, 8 word twist
Lean down, left hand straight out to the side, and shoulder a straight line, solid ground, palm facing up, right hand in the chest cavity to support the ground, bending the right knee to step on the ground, if comfortable, and then rotate to the right for more, straighten the right arm upward, the palm of the hand back to the hook, the use of gravity to find the ground downward, keep it for as long as possible, if there's enough room for progression to allow the right hand to interlock with the left, hold as long as you can if you can.
4, bow
Lay down on your stomach, bend your knees, grab your ankles, stand against each other with your feet and hands, keep your knees open and hip-width, lift your chest off the ground, and take five deep breaths.
5, criss-cross
Lay down on your stomach, lift your chest slightly, straighten your right and left arms in the opposite direction, perpendicular to the body, right hand under, chin in the middle of the shoulder, fingers to the distance, extend your arms, keep 5 deep breaths, and then change sides.