Shanghai 63-year-old Liu old man repeated sore throat for 3 days turned out to be a heart attack! Such a sore throat and toothache

63-year-old Liu old man due to recurrent sore throat after 3 days, came to the Shanghai Eighth People's Hospital General Internal Medicine Department, Shanghai Eighth People's Hospital geriatrician Dr. Liu Lin Yan after careful questioning of the condition, highly suspected of having a heart attack may be immediately transferred to the emergency room, the emergency Dr. Jiang Guangming immediately gave him an ECG test.

"Sore throat to do ECG?" Between half-belief, Liu Lao-bo still went to do the examination, this check can be a shock to him.

Doctors in the combination of electrocardiogram and related laboratory tests, diagnosed the patient is acute lower wall myocardial infarction, immediately admitted to the hospital. This seems to be a "superfluous" examination, which saved the life of Mr. Liu.

Why is there a relationship between heart problems and sore throat? Dr. Liu recalled the scene, said: "For the common cold, sore throat is generally persistent, but this patient's sore throat has a clear time, three days he was in each sore throat in the absence of obvious triggers under the onset of each last half an hour or so, accompanied by the left shoulder pain, the night before the visit to the sore throat prolonged than before. In the clinic, often encounter some atypical manifestations of acute myocardial infarction, patients with abdominal pain or even toothache, neck pain, sore throat and other discomforts to the clinic, and this patient's situation is very consistent with such a situation."

City eight hospital cardiology deputy director Wang Zhancheng introduced, in the past 10 years, the incidence of myocardial infarction in China has increased significantly, 3.5 million people die of cardiovascular disease in China every year, the number of people suffering from myocardial infarction each year to more than 1 million, and the annual incidence of new patients of about 550,000 people. Every 12 seconds there is 1 person by cardiovascular disease to lose their lives.

Everyone wants to be safe from this "killer", and the onset of an infarction is sometimes atypical.

If you are experiencing discomfort such as a sore throat or toothache, it is a good idea to look out for any of the following and tell your doctor:

1. Is the pain paroxysmal or persistent?

2. Is there a certain regularity to the pain episodes? For example, does it come on at a particular time (more common at night, but also at other times)?

3. Are the pain episodes related to physical activity or mental stress?

4. Are the pain episodes accompanied by chest discomfort or tightness in the chest?

5. Do you have risk factors such as high blood pressure and family history?

6. Is the physical examination of the painful area free of lesions? If any of the above conditions exist, one must be alert to angina or myocardial infarction.

Director Wang concluded by reminding that the first line of defense against cardiovascular disease is to create an environment conducive to heart health through effective preventive interventions. In your daily life, stick to a healthy diet, moderate exercise and a good mindset.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, less high-fat and high-calorie foods, more low-fat and high-fiber foods, and do not over-salt meals, so light;

Quit smoking and less alcohol, and do not overeat;

Appropriate exercise, such as jogging, brisk walking, Tai Chi, square dancing, etc., to increase the heart's blood supply and oxygenation, and to improve the function of the heart and lungs;

Maintain stable emotions and adequate sleep, and do not be very sad, not a lot of sleep. The first thing you need to do is to get a good night's sleep, so you can't be too upset and stay up all night.

Of course, in addition to the usual adjustment of lifestyle habits,

do a good job of prevention,

when there is any discomfort in the clinic,

if the doctor arranged for you to have an electrocardiogram and a blood test,

be sure not to refuse.