Northern History, Volume 94, Columns 82(4)

Tianbao four years in September, the Khitan offense, Emperor Wen Xuan pro Rong north to discuss. To Pingzhou, then west of the long moat. The imperial decree Pan Xiangle Shuai elite cavalry five thousand, from the east of the interesting green mountain; the imperial decree An De Wang Han rail Shuai elite cavalry four thousand east interest, cut off the qidan walk. The emperor personally over the mountains, fight big break, captured more than 100,000 mouth, hundreds of thousands of head of miscellaneous animals. Sang Le also in the green mountains to break the Khitan other parts. The captives of the mouth, are divided into states. The first time I saw this was when I was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night.

Their customs are the same as those of the Mohehe tribe, and they are good at being a bandit. The people who cried and mourned the death of their parents thought that they were not strong. But the body placed in the mountains above the tree, after three years, is to collect their bones and burned. He toasted with wine and said, "In the winter months, I will eat in the sun. If I shoot and hunt, so that I get more pigs and deer." The most important thing to remember is that it is not a good idea to be rude, but it is the most important thing to be rude to the barbarians.

Sui Kaihuang four years, the rate of Mogaver to visit. Five years, all of its people money to plug, Wendi Na, listen to live in its native land. Responsibility for letting the country to send an envoy to Que, Pelton Pelte to thank you. Subsequently, the qidan other part of the back of goliath, such as out of volts, rate of people within the annexation. Wendi see come, pity. Above and Turkic and good, heavy loss of distant people's hearts, all orders to give food back to the Department, edited Turkic to foster the. Solid resignation does not go. Tribe gradually crowded, then migrated north, by the water and grass, when Liao Xi is two hundred miles north, relying on the Uighurchen water to live, east and west stretched three hundred miles, divided into ten departments. They were divided into ten divisions. The number of soldiers was more than 3,000, and the number of soldiers was less than 1,000. The soldiers were more than 3,000 and less than 1,000 in number. They followed the cold and the heat, and followed the water and grass for animal husbandry. There are conquests, then Tsang Shuai and discuss with each other, raise the army, together as a contract. Turkic Shahbolu Khan sent Tutun Pan Anthill to unify, the Khitan killed Tutun and disappeared. Daye seven years, sent to the court, tribute to the party.

Room Wei country, in the Bedji north of a thousand miles, to Luoyang six thousand miles." Room" or "lost", cover the Qidan and so on, the south of the Qidan, in the north of the number of lost Wei. Road out of the and dragon more than a thousand miles, into the Khitan country, and northward ten days to sip the water, and northward three days there is good water, and northward three days there is the calves of the mountain, the mountain is high, circumference back to three hundred miles. Another northbound more than 300 miles, there is a large water name Qu Li, and northbound three days to the edge of the water, and northbound five days to its country. There is a large water from the north, more than four miles wide, named 〈Munai〉 water. The country was wet and the language was the same as that of Kumochi, Khitan and Doumolou. There was a lot of corn, wheat and millet. In summer, they lived in the city, and in winter, they chased the water and grass, and they had a lot of sable skins. The husbands had hair extensions and used horned bows, and their arrows were especially long. The women had their hair tied in a bun with crossed arms. The country is less theft, theft a levy of three; murderers are responsible for 300 horses. Men and women all wear white buckskin jackets and hakama. There is a song, brewing wine. People love red beads, for women to decorate, wear hanging on the neck, in order to be more expensive. If a woman is not allowed to have them, she will not even get married. When their parents died, they wept for three years, and their bodies were placed in the forest.

Wuding two years in April, began to send envoys such as Zhang Wu Dufa offer their Fang Fang. Until the end of the Wuding, the tribute to find each other. The first is the first time that the company has been invited to a meeting of the Chinese government.

Subsequently divided into five, not total one, the so-called south room Wei, north room Wei, bowl room Wei, deep end of the Tan room Wei, large room Wei, and no ruler. The people are poor and weak, and the Turkic people are led by the three Tutuns.

South room Wei in the Khitan three thousand miles north, the land is humid, to the summer is moved to the north. Loan Bo, owed to the two mountains more grass, spare beasts, and more mosquitoes and gnats, people are all nesting to avoid the danger. Gradually divided into twenty-five departments, each department has more than Mofo hidden duh, as if the chief also. When they died, their sons and daughters took their place, and when their heirs died out, they chose the best and the brightest to set them up. Its custom, the husband were hair, women coiffure, clothes and qidan the same. They rode on oxcarts, and used the Dianxysarum as a house, just like the Turkic felt carts. When they went to the water, they made a bundle of fuel into a boat, or they made a boat out of skin. Horses are woven grass for blankets and knotted rope for bridles. When they were sleeping, they made a room out of wood and covered it with Dianthus hedysarum; when they moved it, they carried it. They made mats out of pigskin and wood, and women sat on their knees. The climate was cold, and the harvest was very thin. There were no sheep, few horses, and many pigs and cows. With the Moheban customs, the marriage law, the two families agreed to go, always steal the woman will go, and then send cattle and horses for hire, but also will be the woman to return home, to be pregnant, it is promised to follow the return of the house. Women do not remarry, thought the dead man's wife, it is difficult to *** residence. Tribes *** for the shed, people die on it. Mourning for three years, the year only four cry. The country has no iron, take to Goryeo. Much sable.

South room Wei northbound eleven days to the north room Wei, divided into nine tribes, living around the Uighur mountains. Its tribal drainage Shu Shuai No. Begging cited Moga Duh. Each department has Mo He Fu three people to two of them. The climate was the coldest, and the snow was so deep that there were no horses. In winter, they went into the mountains to live in earth caves, and many of their animals froze to death. Spare deer and deer, shooting and hunting for business, eating meat and clothing skin, chiseling ice without water and nets for fish and turtles. There was a lot of snow on the ground, so they were afraid of being trapped in pits and traps, so they rode on wood and went, "I'm not sure". They all hunt sable for business, crowned with fox sable, clothed in fish skin.

Another thousand miles north to the bowl of room Wei, according to the Hu Bu mountain and live, many people many north room Wei, I do not know for several tribes. The other two are the same as the north of the room Wei.

From the bowl of room Wei southwest four days line, to the end of the deep Tanya room Wei, because the water for the number is also. In the winter months, they live in caves to avoid the yin.

And a few thousand miles northwest to the big room Wei, the path is dangerous, speech is not. There are many minks and rats.

In the north of the city, the envoys were sent to make contributions, but the rest of them did not arrive.

Doudou Molou country, in the Beiji north of a thousand miles, the old northern Fuyu also. In the east of the room Wei, east to the sea, more than two thousand miles square. Its people are indigenous, there is a room warehouse. There are many mountains and swamps, and in the Eastern Barbarians, it is the most spacious. The land is suitable for five grains, but does not produce five fruits. When they grow up, they are strong, courageous, and prudent, and they do not copy. Their rulers and chiefs were all famous officials of the six animals, and there were powerful commanders in their towns. They eat and drink with chopping boards and beans. There was hemp cloth, and their clothes were similar to those of Goryeo, but their hats were big. The adults of the country were decorated with gold and silver. The punishment was severe and urgent; murderers died and their family members were confiscated as slaves. Customary prostitution, especially evil jealousy, kill the body in the country south of the mountains, to rot, the female family began to lose cattle and horses, is with the. The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night.

Doudougan country, more than a thousand miles west of Room Wei. More cows, sheep, famous horses, skin for clothing, no grains, only eating meat cheese. Yanxing two years in August, sent envoys tribute, to Taihe six years, the tribute is not endless. Fourteen years, often come to violate the plug, filial piety wen edict conquering the west general Yang Ping Wang Yi hit away. Since then, when the capital, until the end of the Wuding, the tribute is uninterrupted. And Qi Zen, also came to the tribute.

Uluohou country, in the north of Doudougan, go to Daidu more than 4,500 miles. The ground is wet, foggy and cold. In winter, they wear the ground as a room, and in summer, they follow the original animal husbandry. There were many rags, and there were grain and wheat. There is no great ruler, and the tribes are all worldly. Their custom is to wear rope hair and leather clothes, decorated with beads. People are courageous, not to be treacherous, so slow to hide the wild accumulation and no bandits and thieves. Good hunting. The music was Konghou, with a wooden groove and a leather face and nine strings. In the northwest of the country, there is a perfect water, the northeast flow of the difficult water, its small water, all injected into the difficult, east into the sea. And northwest of the twenty day line, there are in the Sini big water, the so-called North Sea.

Taiwu Zhenjun four years to the dynasty, said his country northwest of the old Wei emperor ruins stone room, north and south of ninety paces, east and west of forty paces, seventy feet high, the room has the gods, people pray for more. Taiwu sent Li Chuan, the minister of the Central Committee, to offer sacrifices, and published the blessing on the wall of the stone room and return.

Liu Qiu country, living in the sea island, when the east of Jian'an County. The water travels for five days and arrives. The soil is full of caves. Its king's surname Huan Si, the name of thirst prick Tou, I do not know its origins of the number of generations of the country. His native people call it can be old sheep, his wife said DuoBaCha. Lived in said Polodan cave, the moat fence three times, surrounded by running water, trees and thorns as a fence. The king's residence, its large sixteen rooms, carved animals and birds. DuoDou skeleton tree, like orange and dense leaves, the strip is as slender as the hair of the downward spiral. State four or five marshals, the hole, the hole has a small king. Often there is a village, the village has a bird of honor, and to the good fighter for it, set up their own, the main village. Both men and women have white ramie rope wrapped around their hair, coiled from the back of the neck to the forehead. The men use bird feathers as their crowns, which are decorated with beads and shells and red hair in different shapes and sizes. The women use white cloth with ribbed pattern for their hats, and their shapes are square. Weaving bucket openwork leather and miscellaneous hair as clothing, sanctioned by different. Adorned with hair hanging snails for decorations, mixed colors, hanging down small shells, the sound of which is like Pei. Adorned with dangling dangles, hanging beads on the neck. Weaving rattan for hats, decorated with feathers. There are sword and lance, bow and arrow, sword and beryllium. The place less iron, knife are thin and small, mostly with the bone horn to assist. Weave nivea for armor, or with bear and leopard skin. The king rode the wooden beast, made the left and right carriage, and the guide was only a dozen people. The small king took advantage of the opportunity and made it into the shape of a beast. The people of the country were good at attacking each other, and all of them were strong and able to walk well, and were hard to be killed and hard to be wounded. Each of the caves formed its own army and did not help each other. When the two armies were equal, three or five brave men came out and jumped in front of them, exchanged words and curses, and then shot at each other. If they do not win, an army are gone, send thanks, that is, **** reconciliation. Collecting the fighting dead gathered to eat, still Calvary will be to the king, the king is given to the crown, then for the team marshal.

There is no taxation, and when something happens, it is taxed. There is no standardized punishment, and all of them are in the process of deciding. All crimes are broken in the bird Shuai, not the ambush on the king, the king made the ministers **** agreed. There were no shackles in the prison, only ropes were used. The death penalty to iron cone as big as a tendon, more than a foot long, drill the top of the kill, light crimes with a cane. Commonly no text, looking at the moon loss and surplus, in order to chronicle the seasons, the grass and trees, thought the year. People with deep eyes and long nose, similar to Hu, also has a small wisdom. There is no king and ministers up and down the section, the ritual of worship. Fathers and sons slept in the same bed. Men remove their moustache and beard, and all hairs on their body are removed. Women were branded with black tattoos and their hands were made to look like insects and snakes. Marriages were solemnized with wine and beads and shells, and men and women were matched if they were pleased with each other. When a woman gave birth to a baby, she would eat the baby's clothes, and after giving birth, she would use fire to moxibrate herself to make her sweat, and she would recover in five days. In a wooden trough, sea water is used as salt, wood juice is used as vinegar, and rice flour is used as wine, which is very thin in flavor. The flavor is very thin. All food is eaten by hand. In the event of a different flavor, the first honored. Where there is a banquet, the wine executives must wait to call the name and drink, on the king of wine, also called the king's name after the cup **** drink, quite the same as the Turkic. Songs call step hoof, a person sings, all and, sound quite sad. The woman was held up on the shoulder, shaking her hand and dancing. The dead man's gas will die, the carriage to the court, relatives and guests weeping and hanging. They bathed their bodies, wrapped them in cloth and silk, wrapped them in reeds, and buried them in the ground, so they could not go to their graves. The son of the father, a few months do not eat meat. Its southern customs are less different, people have died, the eup **** food. There are bears, jackals, wolves, especially more pigs, chickens, no sheep, cattle, donkeys, horses. The field is good and fertile, the first fire, and water irrigation, holding a spade, stone for the edge, more than a foot long, broad several inches, and the cultivation. Rice, sorghum, grass, millet, hemp, beans, red beans, black beans, etc. are suitable. The wood is maple, Juniperus communis, camphor, pine, (2) trees, nanny, tree and catalpa. Bamboo, rattan, fruits and medicines are the same as those in Jiangshan. The climate is similar to that of Lingnan. The gods of the mountains and the sea are worshiped with food and wine. When they killed someone in a battle, they would sacrifice what they had killed to their gods. Or according to the lush trees to build huts, or hanging Calvary in the trees, to shoot with arrows, or accumulated stone tied streamers, as the god of the Lord. In the residence of the king, many skulls were gathered under the wall as a good place. On the human portal, the animal head bone horn must be installed.