Why don't you smoke and drink? It's easy to die if you exercise every day.

First, it must be clear that smoking and drinking is an important factor of sudden death, not an inevitable factor, and non-smoking and drinking will definitely lead to sudden death. Don't die suddenly because you don't smoke or drink. That's your excuse for smoking and drinking. Everyone has different genes and different physical conditions, but smoking and drinking will definitely increase the chance of sudden death. The harm of smoking to the body is long-term. According to statistics, the incidence of myocardial infarction in smokers is three times that of normal people. Drinking alcohol can increase blood pressure and heart rate, which is an important pathogenic factor of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Second, distinguish how to exercise after exercise. Exercise can be divided into proper exercise and excessive exercise. Excessive exercise is an important pathogenic factor of sudden death. Intense exercise leads to cardiac pumping dysfunction and malignant arrhythmia, which leads to sudden death. The internal causes of sudden sports death are viral myocarditis, coronary heart disease and coronary artery malformation.

Third, staying up late, being overly nervous, losing control of emotions and excessive pressure are also important reasons for sudden death. Staying up late will lead to disorder of biological clock, excessive excitement of sympathetic nerve, and eventually lead to ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation, leading to sudden cardiac death! Excessive pressure and out-of-control wind lead to endocrine disorders, increased phenol and ammonia secretion in tea, increased peripheral resistance, and sudden increase in blood pressure, which in turn leads to sudden cardiac death. Excessive excitement and nervousness can also cause some people to die of acute stroke, which is caused by high blood pressure leading to cerebral vascular rupture.

Fourth, seemingly healthy people are prone to sudden death if they do not pay attention to prevention. Therefore, it is necessary to quit smoking and drinking, have a psychological balance, exercise properly, eat reasonably, ensure adequate sleep, and have a positive physical examination to prevent problems before they happen. Exercise is mainly aerobic exercise, three to five times a week, each time for more than 30 minutes, and the heart rate is controlled below 60% to 70% of the maximum heart rate, or 170 minus the age.

Five, the first aid of sudden death

1. Don't be nervous, stay awake, call 120 immediately, and ask people around you for help. Keep your chest straight and lie flat.

The rescuer can beat the patient's chest with his fist three times. If it doesn't work, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately and level off. The rescuer presses the root of the left palm on the lower 2/3 of the patient's left chest, and presses the right palm on the left palm for 60 ~ 70 times per minute. Press 5 times and give artificial respiration once. During artificial respiration, put one hand under the patient's neck, hold the patient's nose with the other hand, keep the patient's airway open, and inhale and blow into the patient's mouth.