How does the pain on both sides of the waist return a responsibility after hip lifting exercise?

Muscle soreness is a normal and positive physiological manifestation. After new intensity or new exercise, obvious muscle soreness often occurs, which will disappear naturally after a few days. Generally speaking, muscle soreness is a sign that the corresponding muscles are in place to some extent.

Exercise and exercise need energy. If energy comes from aerobic metabolism in cells, it is aerobic exercise. But if energy comes from anaerobic glycolysis, it is anaerobic exercise. During aerobic exercise, glucose metabolism produces water and carbon dioxide, which can be excreted by breathing; However, during anaerobic exercise, grape glycolysis produces a large number of intermediate metabolites, such as lactic acid, which cannot be eliminated by respiration and forms lactic acid accumulation. Too much lactic acid stimulates muscles to increase osmotic pressure, so that muscle tissue absorbs more water, resulting in local swelling, which will make muscles feel sore. Lactic acid accumulation generally occurs in people who lack exercise, or the muscle parts lacking exercise suddenly move to a certain intensity. With the increase of fitness exercise frequency, the phenomenon of lactic acid accumulation after exercise will become less and less, and the degree will become lighter and lighter. So we should keep the good habit of exercising.