Outdoor equipment for military fitness

I don't think this statement is quite correct.

First of all, pull-ups need to overcome their own gravity, and the muscles of the back, such as latissimus dorsi (the main muscle group), biceps brachii and deltoid muscle, need to contract to make the human body move upward.

Push-ups are an effective way to practice your arms and chest muscles. Mainly exercise muscles such as triceps brachii and pectoralis major. In fact, push-ups can be simply divided into two types. 1, put your fingers forward and tighten your body under your armpits.

This push-up is more about exercising the posterior fibers of triceps brachii, latissimus dorsi and deltoid. In fact, this posture basically did not exercise the chest muscles, because the shoulder joint has not been adducted. In fact, the main function of pectoralis major is to make the shoulder joint adduction and pronation. Then when this action does not occur shoulder adduction and rotation, the pectoral muscles have no strength.

2, fingers inward, armpit open.

Doing push-ups in this position is more about exercising the intermediate fibers of pectoralis major, triceps brachii and deltoid muscle. Because when doing push-ups in this position, the shoulder joint is more adducted when bending and extending the elbow, so while exercising the triceps brachii, more is to exercise the deltoid muscle of pectoralis major.

Friends can go home and try it, either way.

00, see where it hurts, and you will know where the muscles are trying to exercise which muscles. Thank you. If you don't understand anything, you can pay attention to our Baijiahao exchange. Oh, we are a sports rehabilitation club, focusing on sports fitness rehabilitation and health care rehabilitation. Welcome comments to forward, thank you.