How many grams of protein powder should bodybuilders eat a day?

A bodybuilder should consume protein with a body weight (kg) of * 2g per day, for fitness enthusiasts, * 1.5g, and for low-intensity bodybuilders, *1g.

How to get the protein quality you need every day?

Because protein cannot be stored by muscles, it is undoubtedly a waste to consume too much protein at one time. Some will be absorbed by muscles, and some will be excreted by muscles. Therefore, bodybuilders will take protein several times a day, with an interval of not less than 2 hours and more than 20 grams each time. Taking too much protein at a time will bring trouble to the kidneys, because it will excrete too much protein.

If you need to take protein four times a day, you can choose to take it once at 7: 00 am, once at lunch 1 1: 00, once two hours before exercise and once half an hour after exercise.