What are the skills to answer complex "enumeration" questions?

? 1. What is an enumerated question?

Questions that can give multiple answers are all enumerated questions.

? 2. Answer according to the specified number, and the answer should be comprehensive.

If the number of questions is clearly specified, try to answer according to the required number. We should not only ensure the comprehensiveness of the answer, but also ensure the accuracy of the answer.

If the quantity is not specified clearly, at least 2-3 can be listed.

3. Use clear typesetting methods

When answering, it is best to typeset in the way listed in 1.2.3 ...;

Punctuation and line spacing between each listed answer should be uniform.


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List the answers in turn, and briefly introduce the song information, explaining the reasons suitable for fitness; Rich in content, it can well meet the needs of users.