Xing Dailu's shoulder bag is peeling off.

Maybe I bought a fake, and I need egg white and shoe polish to peel it off. Stardew's shoulder bag falls off, which is only possible if you buy a fake. Authentic Stardew shoulder bag is exquisite in workmanship, and the bag material is lamb hair, which is similar to suede in other places and will not peel off. Stardew shoulder bag peeling, you can prepare the same color of egg white and shoe polish, mix them together, evenly spread them on the peeling part, dry them in a ventilated place, and then wipe them clean with a soft towel. But egg white is easy to get, but the same color shoe polish is not easy to get. Adding egg white to egg white can effectively repair the broken skin of leather bags. Stardew's shoulder bag is amazing. It has a large capacity and is made of lamb hair. Suitable for traveling, going out to play and exercising in the gym. You can put tablets, snacks, mobile phones, keys and other items, and you can also put some simple cosmetics. Personally, I prefer Lulu in Shangdi, and the matching locks are more distinctive and convenient to hang on the bag.