How many calories should I consume in daily exercise?

It consumes 30-35 kilocalories per kilogram of body weight every day.

What happens when you eat more or less calories than your body burns? The body will increase or decrease fat respectively. If you accumulate 3500 calories, your body will store 0.45 kilograms of fat, which is the way for your body to store energy and plan ahead.

On the contrary, if the energy consumed is 3500 calories more than the intake (whether due to increasing exercise or reducing diet), the body will convert the stored 0.45 kg of fat into energy to make up for the deficiency.

Need heat:

Daily calorie requirement of adults = basic calorie required for basic metabolism of human body+calorie required for physical activity+calorie required for digestion of food.

Heat required for digesting food = 10% x (minimum heat required for basic metabolism of human body+heat required for physical activity).

Daily caloric requirement of adults = 1. 1 x (minimum basal caloric requirement for basic metabolism of human body+caloric requirement for physical activity).

Male: 9250- 10090 kJ.

Female: 7980-8820 kJ.

Note: The daily calories provided by food should not be less than 5,000-7,500 kilojoules, which is the least energy to maintain normal life activities.

Baidu encyclopedia-calories