English words and phonetic symbols needed by senior one are urgently needed.


Relics, relics. Relic; historical remains

Rare and rare; Rare, precious


Survived; survive

Vase. Vase. bottle

Dynasty dynasty dynasty dynasty dynasty

Looking for discovery

Surprise, surprise

Amazing amazing

Selection and selection; choose

Honey honey

Design. design. Mode. Conceive vt design plan. conceive

Fancy's strange imagination; Imagination, hobby

Style. Style. Demeanor. type

Decoration. decorate

Jewelry. gemstone

Artists. Artists.

Members of.

Belong to

In return. in return

Army group. Group. army

Reception reception

War is war.

Remove the movement; leave


Wooden is made of wood.

To doubt or disbelieve.

Mysterious. Mysterious thing

The predecessor of the predecessor. late

Value is value, which is equivalent to value ... value ... valuable reconstruction.

Local local; local

Separate, separate


Painting painting; draw

Castle castle

Try it out. Try it out. Test, test

According to the evidence

Explosion explosion

Entrance entrance

Sailors, sailors; Seafarers; sailor

Water tank; water channel

Young girl. housemaid

Berlin Berlin (the capital of Germany)

Highly evaluate the value; speak highly of


Debate; debate


Competition vi competition


Participate; join

Medal n medal; Medal; medal

Representative: symbol, expression



Greek; Greek n Greeks; Greek magic. Amazing. Amazing.

Volunteers. Volunteers. Volunteers. Voluntary.

Motherland and motherland; This/someone's country

Normal, regular.

According to, according to

Athletes; athlete

Admit permission. Admit it. accept

Slave slave

Now. at present

Gymnastics gymnastics; PE

Sports. compete

Stadium (large open-air stadium)

Gymnasium (gym) Gymnasium and gym

The same is true; And ... also

The host is the host; Sponsor; Entertain the host


Olives, olive trees. Olive leaves; Olive branch; Chinese olive

Garland, Garland, Corolla, Ring Clear

Replace, replace, replace, replace. replace

Motto motto; Motto; maxim

Quickly. fast

Similarity: similarity

Athens Athens (the capital of Greece)

Charge a fee. Accusation. Expenses. Supervisor

Responsible for supervision.

Physical. bodily

Poster poster

Advertising. notification


Glory, glory. honourable

Cheap goods. Cheap goods. cheapie


Without hope, there is no hope; Desperate


Goddess goddess

Pain. pain.

One by one. One by one.

It's worth it. worthy

Forward (football) forward


Calculation n calculator

Personal computer, personal computer, notebook computer.

PDA (personnel