In the morning, Uncle Zhang drove to work. The sun is on his left. In which direction did uncle Zhang drive?


The sun rises in the east in the morning; At noon, the sun is due south; In the evening, the sun disappeared in the west. Between morning and noon, between noon and night, the sun is in the southeast or southwest. Whether it is east or west depends on the time at that moment. For example, at 10 in the morning, the sun is in the south-southeast direction, and at 2 pm, the sun is in the south-southwest direction.

Because the sun is influenced by the tropic of Capricorn in the four seasons, the position of sunrise and sunset is different from the north and south poles of the earth, so there is a certain deviation in determining the direction according to the sun. Fortunately, drivers don't need to locate their directions so accurately on the road. Common sense is enough. If you need to accurately determine your direction of travel or can't locate according to the sun in rainy days, especially in the case of lack of cell phone signal, it is recommended to use a compass to identify the direction and proofread it with the map prepared in advance, so that you won't get lost.