How should a girl with short hair simply tie her hair?

First, comb your hair.

Take a bunch of bangs from your left forehead and twist them in one direction.

Pull the twisted hair bundle behind your head.

Then take a small black hairpin and fix the hair bundle pulled to the back of your head. Be careful to hide the hairpin in your hair as much as possible.

Take a bunch of long bangs on the right, twist it in the same way and fix it at the back of your head. Note that the hair bundles on both sides should cross each other, and then put on hair accessories to cover the little black hairpin.

Finally, loosen the top of the head to create a fluffy natural feeling, so that the shape will look more fashionable and beautiful, and it also has the function of repairing the face.

After all the above steps are completed, this short hair braid is tied.