What does Robin like about Tales of Stardew Valley?

Robin's favorite things are spaghetti, goat cheese and peaches. Favorite things are whole fruit, whole milk, pizza, salad, honey, cherries, sweet peas, crocuses, strawberries, tulips, blues jazz and mayonnaise.

Robin is a villager who lives in the town of Pelican. She lives at No.24 Mountain Road with her husband Demetrius, daughter Maru and son Sebastian.

Robin is a carpenter in town and runs a carpenter's shop at home. Business hours are from 9 am to 5 pm every day except Tuesday, and it closes early on Friday.

After Robin married Demetrius, she lived with her daughter Maru and her son Sebastian. Maru is the daughter of her and Demetrius, and Sebastian is the child of her and her predecessor. Demetrius is probably her second husband, because there are two books on the bookshelf in their room, which are Maximizing Your Second Marriage and Practical Tips for Your First Stepfather.

Robin attends fitness classes with Jody, Caroline, Emily and Marnie every Tuesday.


Most days Robin gets up at 8 a.m. and opens the door at 9 a.m.. After work at 5 pm, she often walks in the mountains near her home and leaves at 9 pm to go back to sleep.

Her shop closes every Tuesday. On that day, she will go to physical education class at Caroline's house once a week. On Friday night, she will close at 4 pm and go dancing with her husband Demetrius at the Star Fruit Bar.

She won't leave the carpenter's shop on rainy days unless she is hired to build a farm building. Hiring Robin to build or upgrade a building means that her shop will be closed in the next two days and she will go to the player's farm.

If there are special circumstances, such as the weather or certain days of the week, her schedule may deviate. Below is his action deviation, the priority is from high to low (for example, when it rains, it will cover other actions below it).