What does high bilirubin mean!

The increase of bilirubin is mainly caused by staying up late recently.

It is also possible that some liver functions are damaged, and it is not excluded that it is caused by some chronic hepatitis or cholecystitis. It is recommended to have a good rest for a while recently, and then check again. If it is still on the high side, you may have to take some medicine to protect your liver. Please follow the doctor's advice.

Bilirubin includes total bilirubin, direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin, and total bilirubin consists of direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin. Therefore, the increase of direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin can cause the increase of total bilirubin. Long-term or heavy drinking and eating high-fat foods may lead to an increase in bilirubin. Pathological reasons such as hemolytic disease, biliary obstruction and liver cell injury can also cause bilirubin to increase. Among them, hemolytic diseases are mainly indirect bilirubin increase; Biliary obstruction is mainly caused by direct bilirubin increase; However, when liver cells are damaged, both direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin will increase to varying degrees.