Can skipping rope make the meat tight?

Yes, you can.

Jumping rope for an hour can not only help burn 1300 calories, but also make your figure more attractive. At present, British white-collar workers are vigorously pursuing a healthy and fashionable sport-skipping rope.

Skipping rope used to be considered a child's sport. However, the British Skipping Association said that skipping is also a simple aerobic exercise that is very suitable for white-collar workers.

"Many white-collar workers sitting in the office for a long time may lead to hunchback and decreased heart function. In addition, because the body is not straight, joint activity slows down, metabolism slows down, and calorie consumption decreases, thus accumulating fat. " According to the association, skipping rope can promote the sensitivity, posture, balance, coordination and flexibility of the body.

10 minute skipping is equivalent to 30 minutes jogging.

Researchers from the British Rope Skipping Association found that skipping rope 10 minutes consumes almost the same energy as jogging for 30 minutes or dancing for 20 minutes. Now in Britain, many stars have joined the rope skipping team. The British Rope Skipping Association recommends skipping rope three or four times a week, with each time not less than 10 minutes.

It is reported that james morrison, a newcomer to the British music scene, has now organized a skipping team with friends and insists on skipping rope in music every day.

10 minute skipping is equivalent to 30 minutes jogging.

Researchers from the British Rope Skipping Association found that skipping rope 10 minutes consumes almost the same energy as jogging for 30 minutes or dancing for 20 minutes. Now in Britain, many stars have joined the rope skipping team. The British Rope Skipping Association recommends skipping rope three or four times a week, with each time not less than 10 minutes.

It is reported that james morrison, a newcomer to the British music scene, has now organized a skipping team with friends and insists on skipping rope in music every day.

Be sure to massage your calf after jumping, otherwise it will be thick.