Fitness handle bar

Sparus macrocephalus likes to hide in the rock, because the fashion behind the rock is poor, which can make Sparus macrocephalus avoid the impact of fashion trends and save energy. Black snapper hides behind rocks and plays it by ear. When some small fish and shrimps were rushed over, they rushed to feed at once.

Thin foam may be a fish nest. There are usually many microorganisms under the foam belt on the beach. All kinds of algae, small fish and shrimp, shellfish and other microorganisms like to hide here, because there is a sense of belonging under the foam. If Sparus macrocephalus nests here, it will not only get rich ingredients, but also have a sense of belonging.

There are many fish and waters around the reef, which is the favorite hiding area of Sparus macrocephalus. I want to know which sea surface has a reef, so I can observe the reflux carefully and find it. If the fashion trend in fitness meets a reef, it is very easy to produce a water mass that rolls around, called the reflux area. There are more waters in the recirculation zone, and there must be more reefs in the water.

The breakwater is a good place to catch black snapper. Breakwater is an ideal fishing ground for Sparus macrocephalus. It is very important to find a fish nest for Sparus macrocephalus on the slender breakwater. There are many big stones on the breakwater, some of which are swallowed up by the sea, and some are half leaked out of the sea. This position is probably the black snapper nest.

The choice of black snapper fishing tackle can use a 5-meter-long medium-hard platform fishing rod or a 3-meter-long sea pole with a hard top. The hook can be single hook or double hook, which is not suitable for multi-hook fishing group. The floating fishing method often uses platform fishing rod to fish. The part of the fish that comes out of the water should not exceed one third of the total length, so as to avoid shaking too much in the wind and waves, and it is not easy to check the information content of the fish bite.

When fishing with a sea pole, you can first throw the bait hook into the fishing position, then hold the fishing pole tightly with both hands and tighten the fishing line to wait for the fish to bite. When the fish bites the hook, you will feel that the hook is pulled on your hand, so hold the fishing rod and fish Zhou Xuan firmly together with both hands. When winding is needed, stick the end of the rod on the elbow and let the handwheel wind. In order not to disturb the fish, drag the hooked fish to the area to avoid the fishing position as soon as possible, and then change the net to fish.