I have a hard pimple on my finger What is this?

Tenosynovitis mainly depends on the degree of development. If there are only pain symptoms in the early stage, it is enough to take orally to relieve inflammation and pain and reduce activity at the same time. Another direct method is to shut down the platform.

Because of limited finger joint movement and pain, do as little housework as possible, such as washing dishes, washing clothes and mopping the floor. Jianningshu has been gone for four days, but I didn't expect it to work.

Garlic is recognized as a good product for strengthening the body and preventing diseases, because it contains alliin and alliinase, which can produce a spicy and sulfur-containing volatile phytoncide-allicin in the stomach. Can kill or inhibit staphylococcus, typhoid bacillus, Escherichia coli, etc. Regular consumption of garlic can inhibit and kill harmful bacteria in the intestine. Taking advantage of the bactericidal effect of garlic, during the epidemic period of intestinal infection, eating 1~2 garlic raw every day can prevent intestinal infection and diarrhea. But many people think that eating more raw garlic can also cure diarrhea, which is completely a misunderstanding.

Diarrhea is that after people catch a cold or eat unclean food containing pathogenic bacteria by mistake, bacteria act on the intestine, which makes the blood vessels in the intestinal wall dilate, congest, swell and increase permeability. A large number of protein, potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine and other elements, electrolytes and liquids infiltrated into the intestinal cavity. Such a large amount of liquid stimulates the intestine, which accelerates the peristalsis of the intestine and causes intermittent abdominal pain, frequent diarrhea and other symptoms. At this time, if you eat garlic, especially to treat diarrhea, eating too much garlic will aggravate the symptoms of diarrhea. Although garlic has antibacterial effect, it will also stimulate the intestinal wall because of spicy allicin, which will further congestion and edema the blood vessels in the intestinal wall and make more tissue fluid flood into the intestine.