Do you know what are the advantages of insisting on squatting in sports?

People who often squat will find that after a period of persistence, the function of the brain has been greatly improved. Because people need a lot of co2 in the whole process of doing squats, at this time, everyone will inhale faster, and then supplement the needed co2 for the human body. The quality of co2 changes greatly, so people's brains will be in an active state, and the working ability of cranial nerves will be improved. Of course, the brain nerves will also improve.

Increase the flexibility of joints

During the whole weight-bearing squat, the feet need to be constantly bent. After a period of persistence, you will find that the bones and dexterity of your feet have improved significantly. That's because in the case of squat, the joints of kneecaps and hips and their bones need to move. If you insist on doing squats every day, you will find that your joints are more and more flexible, and even when you are old, it will not be easy to walk inconveniently.

Improve muscle energy

Do 50 weight-bearing squats every day, and after a period of time, you will find that muscle energy is getting stronger and stronger. People who don't like sports usually have less muscles, even if they love sports, they don't have enough energy. People who carry heavy loads for a long time will have more and more developed muscles, higher strength and greatly improved muscle energy.

Reduce body fat rate

Now everyone takes thinness as beauty. Even very thin people insist on exercise and fitness to make their bodies look stronger and more extreme. People who insist on doing squats every day will notice that their body shape is becoming more and more extreme. For people who want to improve their muscles, weight-bearing squat exercise is also a very good choice. During the whole weight-bearing squat, the muscles of hips and feet will be more developed and people will look stronger.

Enhance immunity

Insist on doing squats every day, and after a period of time, the immune ability will be improved to a certain extent. When others have a fever and a cold, they are still physically and mentally healthy. The weight-bearing squat posture is also a high toughness posture. In the whole process of doing squat, it will increase the running ability of the body and further promote the improvement of immune ability. After a period of persistence, the human body's disease resistance will be greatly improved.