What are the most commonly used methods and accounting entries for depreciation of fixed assets?

The most commonly used method for depreciation of fixed assets is the average life method.

The residual rate is generally 5%.

Monthly depreciation amount = (original value-residual value)/service life/12.

Monthly depreciation rate = monthly depreciation amount/original value


Debit: overhead-depreciation (depreciation of fixed assets used for production)

Debit: sales expenses-depreciation (depreciation of fixed assets for sales)

Debit: management expenses-depreciation (depreciation of fixed assets for management)

Credit: accumulated depreciation

Depreciation life of fixed assets:

Fixed assets: accounting can be determined according to the needs of enterprises, and there is no hard and fast rule. However, if accounting treatment is not carried out according to the provisions of the tax law, it is troublesome and time-consuming to make tax adjustments when filing enterprise income tax, so it is generally handled according to the provisions of the tax law. Article 60 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) stipulates: Unless otherwise stipulated by the competent departments of finance and taxation of the State Council, the minimum period for calculating depreciation of fixed assets is as follows: (1) 20 years for houses and buildings; (2) Aircraft, trains, ships, machines, machinery and other production equipment, 10 year; (3) Appliances, tools and furniture. 5 years related to production and business activities; (4) Four years for vehicles other than airplanes, trains and ships; (five) electronic equipment, for 3 years.

Accounting entries of fixed assets liquidation:

When an enterprise operates to a certain procedure, it will inevitably cause damage to fixed assets. At this time, it is necessary to clean up the fixed assets. Accounting treatment is as follows:

Transfer the fixed assets to be processed to the subject of "Fixed Assets Clearing"

Debit: liquidation of fixed assets

accumulated depreciation

Loans: fixed assets

The expenses incurred in handling fixed assets are included in the "Fixed Assets Cleaning" account.

Debit: liquidation of fixed assets

Loans: bank deposits/cash, etc.

Fixed assets liquidation income included in the "fixed assets liquidation" subjects.

Borrow: bank deposit/cash, etc.

Loan: liquidation of fixed assets

If the fixed assets are cleared up at the end of the period and the goods have a balance, the balance will be transferred to non-operating income.

Debit: liquidation of fixed assets

Credit: income from business office

If at the end of the year, the fixed assets settlement debit has a balance, then it will be regarded as non-operating expenses.

Borrow: non-operating expenses

Loan: liquidation of fixed assets

If it is non-operating income, you need to pay income tax. If it is non-operating expenses, income tax can be deducted.

Is the accounting treatment of this income tax the same as the normal provision?

(1) Fixed assets sold, scrapped or damaged are transferred to liquidation, and the accounting entries are:

Debit: liquidation of fixed assets (book value of fixed assets)

Accumulated depreciation (depreciated)

Provision for impairment of fixed assets (provision for impairment)

Loan: fixed assets (original book price)

(2) The accounting entries of expenses and taxes payable in the cleaning process are as follows:

Debit: liquidation of fixed assets

Loans: bank deposits

Taxes payable-business tax payable

(three) to recover the price of the sale of fixed assets, the value of scrap and the income from the price change. , accounting entries are as follows:

Debit: bank deposit

raw material

Loan: liquidation of fixed assets

(4) The accounting entries for the losses that should be compensated by the insurance company or the negligent person are:

Debit: Other receivables.

Loan: liquidation of fixed assets

(5) The accounting entries of net income after liquidation of fixed assets are:

Belong to the preparation period

Debit: liquidation of fixed assets

Loan: Long-term deferred expenses

Belong to the period of production and operation

Debit: liquidation of fixed assets

Loan: non-operating income-net income from disposal of fixed assets

(6) The accounting entries of net loss after liquidation of fixed assets are:

Belong to the preparation period

Borrow: Long-term deferred expenses

Loan: liquidation of fixed assets

Belonging to the losses caused by natural disasters and other abnormal reasons during production and operation, the accounting entries are:

Borrow: non-operating expenses-very loss

Loan: liquidation of fixed assets

Belongs to the normal processing loss during production and operation, and its accounting entries are:

Debit: non-operating expenses-dealing with the net loss of fixed assets

Loan: liquidation of fixed assets

It also involves urban construction tax, education surcharge, stamp duty and so on.

As non-operating income, it should be incorporated into the current enterprise income tax.

It's a bit complicated when it comes to taxes, but it's good to add VAT. As for urban construction tax, education surcharge and stamp duty, it is not easy to increase them here, otherwise they will all become a complete set of accounts.

(2) Input error. There are two types of fixed assets of enterprises, movable and immovable, if

Movable property is not subject to business tax. Business tax refers to a tax that enterprises or individuals have to pay for providing services, transferring intangible assets or selling real estate.

In addition, we should also consider the value-added tax on the sale of fixed assets by enterprises. Anyone who meets the "three" conditions does not need to pay VAT; Otherwise, everything will follow.

The tax rate of 4% is halved and will not be deducted as input tax. Items are of course needed.