Why is the fancy death of Russian "stair climber" sought after?

20 17 September 26th Among the young people in Moscow, the Rudex group is well known, which is a group specializing in climbing skyscrapers and exploring relics. For ordinary people, the way Rudex groups express their passion is usually illegal and life-threatening. This fantasy death is often pursued.

Stair-climbing clan originally refers to office workers who use the time to climb stairs to keep fit. Climbing stairs is similar to climbing mountains. Frequent mountain climbing can increase vital capacity, reduce fat accumulation, and is also very helpful for leg shaping.

However, at present, some young people are obsessed with this and aim at climbing tall buildings. Many times it is very dangerous. Some people even paid the price of their lives.

Someone explained, "The earliest photographers climbed tall buildings to take beautiful and special pictures of the city, but most of the time the roofs of tall buildings were locked, so some photographers took risks." "Then some people climb the stairs in order to climb the stairs ... euphemistically called climbing the peak of life, only when they are near death can they appreciate the preciousness of life."

The most important problem caused by stair climbers is the safety of the law. Therefore, it is better not to participate. Cherish life.