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In the spring of 52 1 BC, Confucius learned that his students had been ordered by the king of Lu to pay homage to the emperor in Luoyang, Kyoto, Zhou Dynasty. He thought it was a good opportunity to ask Laozi, the guardian of Tibetan history in the Zhou Dynasty, about "etiquette", so he got his permission and went with him. The day after Confucius arrived in Kyoto, he went to the Tibetan History Museum on foot to visit Laozi. Lao Zi, who is writing the Tao Te Ching, heard that the world-famous Kong Qiu came to consult, so he quickly put down his knife and pencil and adjusted his clothes. Confucius saw a healthy old man coming out of the gate, thinking it was Laozi. He hurried forward and respectfully paid tribute to one of Lao Zi's disciples. After entering the hall, Confucius bowed again before sitting down. Laozi asked Confucius why he came. Confucius left his seat and replied, "I have little knowledge and know nothing about the ancient' etiquette system', so I specially asked the teacher." Seeing that Confucius was so sincere, Lao Tzu expressed his views in detail.

After returning to Lu, Confucius' students asked him to explain Laozi's knowledge. Confucius said, "I am a good teacher, knowing the past and the present, the source of rites and music, and the return of virtue." At the same time, I praise Laozi as an example. He said: "bird, I know it can fly;" Fish, I know it can swim; Beast, I know it can run. I can weave a net to catch a running beast, I can tie a swimming fish to a hook to catch it, and I can shoot a flying bird with a good arrow. As for the dragon, I can't know how it took the wind and cloud to heaven. Laozi, it's still evil! "