What to wear for indoor fitness in winter?

What should I wear to the gym in winter? That depends on what you want to practice:

If you are practicing yoga, wear yoga clothes;

If you are spinning pants, you can't wear them too loosely;

Aerobics, Latin, Pilates, Step Exercises, etc. Wear close-fitting fitness clothes with good elasticity;

Street dance and fighting wear loose and cool;

Taekwondo, of course, wear Taekwondo clothes;

If you are practicing equipment and running clothes, it will be free.

Shoes need air. Wear jogging shoes for equipment and running, cycling shoes for spinning, fitness shoes for aerobics, Latin dance, street dance and fighting, and barefoot for yoga, Pilates and Taekwondo.

Mainly because you are comfortable to wear. The key is to keep warm in winter and wear down jackets outside.