How much heat does it take to walk one kilometer?

Question 1: How many calories can a person consume when walking several kilometers? We should compare the calories consumed by various sports according to the amount of exercise. Climbing stairs 1500 (not counting) 250 cards.

Walk fast (8 kilometers per hour) 555 calories

Running (per hour12km) is 700 calories.

Bike (9 kilometers per hour) 245 calories

Bicycle (16 km/h) 4 15 card

Bicycle (2 1 km/h) 655 cards

Dance floor dance 300 calories

Aerobic exercise 300 calories

Ride 350 calories

Tennis 425 cards

Ladder ladder 680 card

Handball 600 calories

Billiards 300 cards

Walking slowly (4 kilometers per hour) 255 calories

Jogging (9 kilometers per hour) 655 calories

Swimming (3 kilometers per hour) 550 calories

Aerobic exercise (mild) 275 calories

Aerobic exercise (moderate) 350 calories

Golf (Walking Club) 270 calories.

Sawn wood 400 calories

Physical training 300 calories

Walking machine (6 kilometers per hour) 345 calories

Roller skating 350 calories

Skipping rope 660 card

Skiing in the suburbs (8 kilometers per hour) 600 calories

Martial arts 790 card

How many calories do adults need in a day?

First, the role of heat.

Just as computers consume electricity and trucks consume oil, so do human daily activities. Heat not only provides energy for people's exercise, daily work and life, but also provides energy for human life activities, blood circulation, breathing, digestion and absorption.

Three heat sources

Calories come from carbohydrates, fats and protein.

Heat generated by carbohydrates = 4 kcal/g.

Heat generated in protein = 4 kcal/g.

Heat produced by fat = 9 kcal/g.

Second, the unit of heat

Kilocalories, kilojoules

1 kcal = 4. 184 kcal

1 kcal: It is the heat that can make 1 ml of water rise 1 degree Celsius.

Third, adults need calories every day.

Daily calorie requirement for adults =

Basic heat required for basic metabolism of human body+heat required for physical activity+heat required for food digestion.

Heat required for digesting food = 10% x (minimum heat required for basic metabolism of human body+heat required for physical activity)

Daily caloric requirement of adults = 1. 1 x (minimum basal caloric requirement for basic metabolism of human body+caloric requirement for physical activity).

Daily calorie requirement of adults

Male: 9250- 10090KJ

Female: 7980-8820 kJ

Note: The daily calories provided by food should not be less than 5,000-7,500 kilojoules, which is the least energy to maintain normal life activities.

A simple algorithm for basic calorie metabolism of human body

Woman: basic calories = weight (kg) x 9

Man: basic calorie (kcal) = weight (kg) x 10.

Accurate calculation of basic calories required for basic metabolism of human body


Age formula

18- 30 years old 14. 6 x weight (kg) +450

3 1- 60 years old 8. 6 x weight (kg) +830

Over 60 years old 10. 4 x weight (kg) +600


18- 30 years old 15. 2 x weight (kg) +680

3 1- 60 years old 1 1.5 x body weight (kg) +830

Over 60 years old 13.4 x body weight (kg) +490...& gt& gt

Question 2: How much heat does it take to walk one kilometer? Diabetes in the elderly, familiar with this, refers to the calories consumed in an hour:

On the flat and hard land,

Walk slowly, the speed is less than 2 km/h, 67 calories. Walk slowly, 2 km/h, 100.5 kcal; 2.5 km/h, 134 kcal.

Usually walking speed, 4.5 km/h, 355 calories; 3.5 km/h, 187.6 kcal. 5 km/h, 469 calories.

Walking on a gentle mountain: 3.5 km/h, 335 kcal.

Question 3: Which consumes more calories, running one kilometer or walking one kilometer? It depends on how fast you walk, not just on the calories you consume. We all say that aerobic exercise is to keep your heart rate at 120~ 140 for 30~40 minutes before you start to lose weight, otherwise you will only lose glucose. Of course, you can exercise your heart and lungs during this time. I will test it on the treadmill myself. Walking 5.4 is similar to running 6.5, and the difference in calorie consumption is similar.

Question 4: How many calories can you consume by walking for an hour? Weight loss parameters: How many calories does the exercise calorimeter need to "burn" to lose a pound? The answer is 3500 calories. In other words, if you can successfully burn 500 calories a day, you can theoretically lose a pound a week later! Take the weight of 68kg and exercise for one hour as an example. Other weights are increased or decreased in proportion. The heavier the weight, the higher the calorie intake. Pick your favorite exercise to lose weight, persevere, and you will succeed. To copy the contents of this site, please indicate that the heat consumed comes from the Millennium Sunshine Health Medical Sports Project (4 kilometers per hour) 255-calorie jogging (8 kilometers per hour) 555-calorie jogging (9 kilometers per hour) 655-calorie jogging (0/2 kilometers per hour) 700-calorie cycling (9 kilometers per hour) 245-calorie cycling (0/6 kilometers per hour). 4 15-card bicycle (2 1 km per hour) 655-card aerobic exercise (mild) 275-card aerobic exercise (moderate) 350-card physical training 300-card sit-ups 432-card walking machine (6 km per hour) 345-card stair climbing 480-card stair climbing 1500 level (not timed) 550-card tennis 425-card handball 600-card billiards 300-card golf (walking with a back stick) 270-card roller skating 350-card suburban skiing (8 kilometers an hour) 600-card activity consumes heat to drive 82-card work 76-card reading 88-card nap 48-card watching TV 72-card watching movies 66-card dancing 300-card aerobics 300-card skipping 448-card boxing 450-card bathing 1684- 20 cards for washing dishes 136 cards for arranging flowers 1 14 cards for sawmill 400 cards for riding horses, 350 cards for walking dogs 130 cards for outing, 240 cards for copying the contents of this site, please indicate that the contents are extracted from the annex of Millennium Sunshine Health Medicine: daily calories required by adults = basic calories required by basic metabolism of human body+calories required by activities+digestion. Heat required for digesting food = 0. 1 x (basic heat required for basic metabolism of human body+heat required for activities) Daily heat required for adults = 1. 1 x (basic heat required for basic metabolism of human body+heat required for activities) Age calculation formula for basic heat required for basic metabolism of human body female 18- 30 years old 6543. 8+04.6 x body weight (kg) +4503 1- 60 years old 8.6 x body weight (kg) +83060 years old 10.4 x body weight (kg) +600 men 18- 30 years old 15.2 x body weight. Moderate housework, tennis, badminton, skiing, skating, dancing and so on. Emphasize manual labor, sports, basketball, football, mountain climbing, etc. 5? Heat source: fat, protein, carbohydrate fat heat production = 9 kcal/g protein heat production = 4 kcal/g carbohydrate heat production = 4 kcal/g? Unit of heat: kcal kcal/kj 1 kcal = 4. 184 kj.

Question 5: Suppose you walk one kilometer in 12 minutes, how many calories you can burn per kilometer depends on your weight.

Question 6: How much heat does it take to walk one kilometer? How much is it worth?

Question 7: How many calories does it take to walk five kilometers an hour? Walking slowly (four kilometers per hour) 255 calories.

Walk fast (8 kilometers per hour) 555 calories

Jogging (9 kilometers per hour) 655 calories

Running (per hour12km) is 700 calories.

Bike (9 kilometers per hour) 245 calories

Bicycle (16 km/h) 4 15 card

Bicycle (2 1 km/h) 655 cards

Aerobic exercise (mild) 275 calories

Aerobic exercise (moderate) 350 calories

Physical training 300 calories

Sit-ups 432 cards

Walking machine (6 kilometers per hour) 345 calories

Climb stairs 480 cards

Climbing stairs 1500 (not timed) 250 cards.

Ladder ladder 680 card

Swimming (3 kilometers per hour) 550 calories

Tennis 425 cards

Handball 600 calories

Billiards 300 cards

Golf (Walking Club) 270 calories.

Roller skating 350 calories

Skiing in the suburbs (8 kilometers per hour)

600 calories

Activity items consume calories.

Drive 82 card

Work 76 card

Read 88 cards

Sleep 48 calories in the afternoon

72 cards for watching TV

66 cards to watch movies

Dance 300 calories

Aerobic exercise 300 calories

Skipping rope 448 card

Eat 450 calories

Bath card 168

Shopping card 1 10

Buy 180 card

Scan 228 cards

Laundry card 1 14

Ironing 120 card

Dishwashing card 136

Insert 1 14 card.

Sawn wood 400 calories

Riding 350 calories

Walk the dog 130 card

240 suburban tourist cards